State of the Union: Hell, here we come~!

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Post by tiberius »

Offering an excellent resource for an extreme anti-bush to get another view of the topic at hand is not an insult. That's all it was intended as.but sadly, ur assuming that Z and I do not have the wherewithall to know both sides of the equation, inside and out, and that is where you make your downfall..............and what offers such insult.........!!!!
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Post by DesuMacchi »

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Post by tiberius »

thx desu, just had to make me throw up.......and i just ate dinner...... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others. - Buddha
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Post by UberGoat »

Whoever thinks the country is going in the wrong direction, get off your ass and fix whatever's wrong. Most of the people mad at Bush are just cocky about the gas prices. Gas is not considered expensive and rare until it reaches $5 a gallon, so stop whining. As a matter of fact, gas prices have been going down. As for people like BloodViper who would love to see this country turn to crap, get the hell out because nobody wants to hear that shit. Most people think they know how to run a country, yet it takes insane amounts of schooling to have that kind of knowledge. A majority of people can't even qualify to be a janitor and those kinds of schools because they're too damn stupid and go to crappy community colleges or something.P.S. I love you
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Post by ReDWasK »

OH CAN-A-DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by Vauce »

Offering an excellent resource for an extreme anti-bush to get another view of the topic at hand is not an insult. That's all it was intended as.but sadly, ur assuming that Z and I do not have the wherewithall to know both sides of the equation, inside and out, and that is where you make your downfall..............and what offers such insult.........!!!!But you see, since I didn't mean it as an insult, that's why I am right. :P
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Post by Bane »

BUSH HAS A MONO-BROW!*scuffles away*
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Post by Snape »

BUSH HAS A MONO-BROW!*scuffles away*SO DOES STEP!*scuffles after Bane*
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Post by ZeligmanZ »

K this is my last post in this topic. I can't debate on this website, not even with the school teacher without getting immature responses and insults. Way to uphold my views of the education system Z. And yes tib, I am "mr. smartypants". So to hell with what I have to say, obviosuly disagreeing with anyone, even though I told you that I did not look at "The State of the Union" adress is a crime on this website. Grow the fuck up.hate to say this, but you really set it off when you dissed Z. To assume that men like he, with years of knowledge and experience to call on, need to learn something from the likes of a rightwing propogangda site, rather pissed me off. If it is over the top, then so be it, but Americans should wake the fuck up and realize that this is not the country they once knew. All that went out the window when the Supreme Court appointed Bush as president. We have been sliding downhill ever since and the loss of rights and degradation of the US Constitution is of incredible concern to someone who is schooled in the law. I know from whence I speak, too bad you cant say the same. You didnt need to review the SOU to respond to my response had almost nothing to do with that. Grow the fuck up you say.....well, personally i wish i could be like you and be totally oblivious to the fact that our country and way of life are dissappearing in front of our very eyes.............I didn't diss Z once. I just said Z probably knows what he's talking about, but it dosen't seem like any politican would say things like that. Then Z decided to make hypocritical comments and call me childish names. Cute. But now I will diss Z. It's pathetic that a schoolteacher, as you claim to be, will insult someone who didn't even say a negative thing against you. Also you will claim that I am a mindless follwer who looks at what other people say and does not think for myself, and then you start to link me articles that other people have written to prove your point. Tib I never dissed you either, mind your own shit. It's patheic that two of the oldest people who broswe this website can't hold a political conversation without making childish, hypocritical, and irrelevant remarks. So again, grow the fuck up. I'm done with this bullshit thread.Vauce:I'm actually surprised - I haven't really "dissed" you at all.... I have tried in a calm and straightforward way to educate you as to: 1) the truthand 2) most important - the way to FIND the truth.YOU continue to complain about me making "childish, hypocritical, and irrelevant" remarks, and yet it is YOU who have resorted twice now to "grow the fuck up."You are good at accusing me of things and then refusing to back them up. When I argued with your points, I used actual facts and data to bolster my argument, all designed to to help you understand that you need to do your OWN research to determine your own opinion.My arguments with your opinions were calm and not meant to be insulting. I didn't call you names or curse at you. Instead, I offered counterpoints to your argument and urged you to read and learn from BOTH sides of the argument before you make up your mind.Tib and I often work hard to offer you the wisdom and value of our experience in life. If you are so closed-minded that you can't see that and instead choose to insult the two of us, don't blame anyone else for it (especially us).Ignorance is okay - we all have things to learn about so much in this world. But stupidity is permanent. You keep telling all of us to "grow the fuck up."Take your own advice.Really.Feel free to flame tib and/or me some more, when you insult us and call us names, you just prove our point even more.sadly,Z
When Reb Zusya died and encountered God, God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Abraham during his life. God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Moses during his life. God DID ask him why he wasn't more like TIBBY during his life.
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Post by ZeligmanZ »

dbl post..woo hooDes - BLECH! at least you didnt post the picture with him in his flight suit showing off his stuffed crotch. :o)Tib - EXCELLENT post with the actual language from the Patriot Act. And of course, thanks for the support.<3 Z
When Reb Zusya died and encountered God, God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Abraham during his life. God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Moses during his life. God DID ask him why he wasn't more like TIBBY during his life.
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