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Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 4:17 am
by GuessWho17
I got the Rage of the Wookies expansion, and woot! The wookie planet is impressive! The CU is really changing my thoughts about the CU, and I seriously think that this was a move in the right direction now. I finally see the potential they have after fixing these bugs, and hell, even with the bugs I'm having a great time. For instace, been grouping with my guild on some 5 man group jedi (few non jedi) just to have fun and such.... I've "accidently" gotten 1.2 million Jedi expeirence within 3 hours of gameplay. I don't even need the xp cause I'm a finished template, but the point was I wasn't even paying attention to xp! Its been so fun I didn't care!
Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 4:24 am
by DaikatanaGenshu
I got the Rage of the Wookies expansion, and woot! The wookie planet is impressive! The CU is really changing my thoughts about the CU, and I seriously think that this was a move in the right direction now. I finally see the potential they have after fixing these bugs, and hell, even with the bugs I'm having a great time. For instace, been grouping with my guild on some 5 man group jedi (few non jedi) just to have fun and such.... I've "accidently" gotten 1.2 million Jedi expeirence within 3 hours of gameplay. I don't even need the xp cause I'm a finished template, but the point was I wasn't even paying attention to xp! Its been so fun I didn't care!EXACTLY. Grinding is easier now than it was pre-CU, if only people would actually either A.) join a guild or B.) get some friends. There's millions and millions of XP just waiting to be raked in within a few hours, people just gotta learn that this isn't a single player game, and that playing and grouping with other people isn't only fun, but it can help you out more in the long run.But I still need to buy RotW.