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Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 10:49 am
by Snape
I don't think Anus was being serious, Wakka is the ball-throwing chump from FFX. 8)

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:12 am
by Kamm
He still has a nice singing voice. :(

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:52 pm
by Outlaw
I don't think Anus was being serious, Wakka is the ball-throwing chump from FFX. 8)Wakka is not a chump! Wakka was the shit in FFX :D

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:05 pm
by Snape
I don't think Anus was being serious, Wakka is the ball-throwing chump from FFX. 8)Wakka is not a chump! Wakka was the shit in FFX :DLies!!!The only cool character in FFX was Auron, who was recently seen kicking some more ass in Kingdom Hearts 2.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:57 pm
by Anubis
I don't think Anus was being serious, Wakka is the ball-throwing chump from FFX. 8)Wakka is not a chump! Wakka was the shit in FFX :DLies!!!The only cool character in FFX was Auron, who was recently seen kicking some more ass in Kingdom Hearts statement was in regards to popular belief that ff7 and ffx are the same worlds. in ffx there is a lil guy named Shinra whom talks about his newest theory of pulling energy from the planet itself to power whole cities. people are saying tidus and co. are relatives to the ff7 group so i thought vincent fit wakka quite well :D

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:13 pm
by Darth Bob
fanservice: THE GAME

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 1:14 am
by Evangelion
I don't think Anus was being serious, Wakka is the ball-throwing chump from FFX. 8)Wakka is not a chump! Wakka was the shit in FFX :DLies!!!The only cool character in FFX was Auron, who was recently seen kicking some more ass in Kingdom Hearts statement was in regards to popular belief that ff7 and ffx are the same worlds. in ffx there is a lil guy named Shinra whom talks about his newest theory of pulling energy from the planet itself to power whole cities. people are saying tidus and co. are relatives to the ff7 group so i thought vincent fit wakka quite well :D... ... ic&t=11049 8)

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 5:38 am
by Anubis
I don't think Anus was being serious, Wakka is the ball-throwing chump from FFX. 8)Wakka is not a chump! Wakka was the shit in FFX :DLies!!!The only cool character in FFX was Auron, who was recently seen kicking some more ass in Kingdom Hearts statement was in regards to popular belief that ff7 and ffx are the same worlds. in ffx there is a lil guy named Shinra whom talks about his newest theory of pulling energy from the planet itself to power whole cities. people are saying tidus and co. are relatives to the ff7 group so i thought vincent fit wakka quite well :D... ... ic&t=11049 8)my point exactly, i was talking about that article, i just know people dont listen to you eva so i figured id explain it briefly :o

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 3:27 am
by Evangelion
I don't think Anus was being serious, Wakka is the ball-throwing chump from FFX. 8)Wakka is not a chump! Wakka was the shit in FFX :DLies!!!The only cool character in FFX was Auron, who was recently seen kicking some more ass in Kingdom Hearts statement was in regards to popular belief that ff7 and ffx are the same worlds. in ffx there is a lil guy named Shinra whom talks about his newest theory of pulling energy from the planet itself to power whole cities. people are saying tidus and co. are relatives to the ff7 group so i thought vincent fit wakka quite well :D... ... ic&t=11049 8)my point exactly, i was talking about that article, i just know people dont listen to you eva so i figured id explain it briefly :o :cry:

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:23 am
by Anubis
/comfort evan