State of the Union: Hell, here we come~!

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Post by ZeroEnna »

Ohhh I have no delusions about Kerry's service but he was no hero. A hero does not come back after war and join anti-war protests and side with the likes of Fonda. Ohhh yeah some of the men Kerry served with disagreed with the testimony he gave. Ohhh yeah also the doctor that treated Kerrys wounds didnt think they were serious at all either. My dad served in Vietnam and he disagreed with the war and everything about it, but did he come back home and join anti-war protests? No he did not, because he knew that by doing so he would put soliders lives in jepordy.There was some serious mistakes made in the Iraq war and that is evident. But all of these judgements your making are in hindsight, no war is perfect and there will always be mistakes made. If you want to listen to somebody who knows wtf their talking about then listen to John McCain not those other retards. John McCain is a real hero, really to bad he did not become President. He would have made a better leader then both Kerry and Bush.Also the Vietnam war wasnt voluntary, I would have been drafted and I would have served. So lick my ass on that remark ok. I respect you tib but to call me a pussy which you did, even thou it was shrouded in words is a little childish. I respect everyones opinion and I would never attack their character during a debate unlike some of you have.

I work at burger king making flame broiled whoppers I wear paper hats. Would you like an apple pie with that? Would you like an apple pie with that? Ding!! Fries are done. Din
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Post by DesuMacchi »

there is no facts that Kerry could've done any better or worse just because he was in a war. Big fuckin deal. Being in the military doesn't make you a better President. Just ask any of the guys laying in the bed with no arms and legs if being over in Iraq or wherever they may have fought if they would be a good president. Being in the war and not being in the war has nothing to do with being President.Irrelevant issue.You guys are putting Kerry up on a fuckin pedistal because he served in Vietnam. Big deal, millions of Americans did that. And tens of thousands of them died doing it.just who I want for Pres - Mr. Ketchup.
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Post by ZeroEnna »

Desu your my fucking hero bro, telling it exactly how it is.Desu is 200% right, being in the military and serving in a war has nothing to do with President and would not make you any better at being president. History has proven that fact. We have had many great presidents in our history who never served in any war or seen any battles. So to say that being in a war makes you a better president is retarded to say the least. Does the military build character, yes. Does it make you better suited for the presidency, no.

I work at burger king making flame broiled whoppers I wear paper hats. Would you like an apple pie with that? Would you like an apple pie with that? Ding!! Fries are done. Din
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Post by DesuMacchi »

Another thing to ask is, Z and Tib - if this was "the guy you voted for" and he made these decisions, would you have still made this post? What would you say in defense of "your elected President" ?Just curious to see. Of course my question is "fictional" but what if....And I love this little story, it shows the quality of a good leader...As they were heading back to the boat, Kerry and Rassmann decided to blow up a five-ton rice bin to deny food to the Vietcong. In an interview last week, Rassmann recalled that they climbed on top of the huge pile and dug a hole in the rice. On the count of three, they tossed their grenades into the hole and ran. Evidently, Kerry did not run fast enough. "He got some frags and pieces of rice in his rear end," Rassmann said with a laugh. "It was more embarrassing than painful." At the time, the incident did not seem significant, and Kerry did not mention it to anyone when he got back on the boat. An unsigned "personnel casualty report," however, erroneously implies that Kerry suffered "shrapnel wounds in his left buttocks" later in the day, following the mine explosion incident, when he also received "contusions to his right forearm." andKerry was a coward who fled in battle having unintentionally thrown his current supporter, Jim Rassmann, overboard in his panic. Kerry tried to get his first Purple Heart on the basis of a tiny self-inflicted wound from his own grenade. His supporter, Max Cleland, accidentally blew both his legs off and one hand off with one of his own grenades, but never asked for a Purple Heart because, just as in John Kerry's case, there was no enemy action at the time. Kerry went behind the back of the commander who refused his medal request and the doctor who had treated him, and got one anyway.
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Post by TacoBell »

To answer that Red, no they can not prosecute you if they are going after "terrorism" suspesions and then search your house and find weed. That weed as evidence would be thrown out in court in a second.ummm taco... you're missing the point... with the patriot act, you don't GO to court.. you can be held in a military prison with NO rights since you may be classified (according to the act) as an enemy combatant...You still need a warrant to search houses, get wire taps and such. Its just easiser, and honestly, if it helps from seeing more plans flying into our buildings and since it doesn't effect me I don't give a shit.
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Post by Snape »

Well the debate is still going on... and it's refreshing to now see opinions from both sides without hurling insults. I really hope it stays this way.
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Post by VII »

With the way things are going, we can probably make a movie out of this.
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Post by ZeligmanZ »

Ohhh I have no delusions about Kerry's service but he was no hero. A hero does not come back after war and join anti-war protests and side with the likes of Fonda. Ohhh yeah some of the men Kerry served with disagreed with the testimony he gave. Ohhh yeah also the doctor that treated Kerrys wounds didnt think they were serious at all either. My dad served in Vietnam and he disagreed with the war and everything about it, but did he come back home and join anti-war protests? No he did not, because he knew that by doing so he would put soliders lives in jepordy.There was some serious mistakes made in the Iraq war and that is evident. But all of these judgements your making are in hindsight, no war is perfect and there will always be mistakes made. If you want to listen to somebody who knows wtf their talking about then listen to John McCain not those other retards. John McCain is a real hero, really to bad he did not become President. He would have made a better leader then both Kerry and Bush.Also the Vietnam war wasnt voluntary, I would have been drafted and I would have served. So lick my ass on that remark ok. I respect you tib but to call me a pussy which you did, even thou it was shrouded in words is a little childish. I respect everyones opinion and I would never attack their character during a debate unlike some of you have.Ok enna... i love you ( i really do) but Tib is right.. you are believing the bullshit right wing sound machine...that doctor... who says Kerry wasnt hurt? He NEVER TREATED Kerry. THERE IS NO RECORD OF HIM EVER BEING NEAR Kerry.and, everyone who DID serve with Kerry supported him. THe one person who didn't later recanted his story and said he was pressured by certain people to talk out against Kerry. Again.. DO YOUR RESEARCH- ready for this?Limbaugh - entertainerO'Reilly - entertainerHannity - entertainerCoulter - lunatic entertainerthese people are NOT newspeople, and when asked or caught in a "lie" call themselves entertainers - therefore they are NOT bound to tell the truth, but to give their opinions in a way that sound like facts. Zero, do yourself a favor and get the facts friend ... really! You don't have to believe me, or Tib, but don't believe what the right wing sound machine says either.. they lie for a living because controversy makes GREAT ratings and therefore mucho dinero for them.You can disagree with Kerry for protesting the war upon his return, but it took enormous COURAGE to do so. Bush, at the same time, was busy driving drunk and doing mountains of cocaine. There are police reports. Bush did not show up for service. There are reports. He got into the National Guard instead of going to Vietnam due to a letter written by a Senator friend of his father - the letter has been made public.Kerry volunteered for TWO tours of duty, earned his medals, came back and spoke up from his experience.You may not like him, but you cannot argue that he wasn't a hero and that he didn't serve with honor, because he did. Look up what John McCain has to say about him. All the proof for this: the doctor, McCain's remarks, the support of ALL the soldiers under his command, etc can be found in the following article. Take 10 minutes and read it. It actually has sources.mediamatters.orgReally, Kerry or Bush... who's REALLY the pussy? :shock:BTW, just for fun, do a little research about what the Bush campaign did to McCain during the primary in the 2000 campaign - it will look very familiar - and McCain is also a genuine hero.
When Reb Zusya died and encountered God, God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Abraham during his life. God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Moses during his life. God DID ask him why he wasn't more like TIBBY during his life.
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Post by DesuMacchi »

He didnt earn his medals!he got rice and shrapnel in his left ass cheek and shrapnel in his arm from a mine shaft enemy attack what so ever.Self inflicted (accidental of course) but non enemy none the less.Doesn't seem to me to be very earning of a Bronze Star and Purple Heart, does it really to you? I mean really....Once again tho, you keep making remarks back to this guy and that guy were HEROES! Who cares? Being a hero doesnt make you a good canidate to run for office. you dont see all the firefighters from 9/11 running for office do you? They are considered heroes as well, correct?
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Post by VII »

Kerrys a democrat im sure he smokes a lil pot every now and then.
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