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Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:41 am
by gramps
32.3 percent repeating?THUMBS UP LET"S DO IT!!! :D

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:50 am
by GuessWho17
Well I could make a better comment. Like on the Star Wars Galaxies forums I check 3 different ones only, the Jedi, the Lowca, and the Lowca trade. I don't check the TKA, Fencer, or even the Carbineer forums because I don't care for whats going on with this Professions. But if Jordan wants to post here(or anyone else who doesn't play SWG), by all means they can, but atleast try to give positive or helpful information. Or lets say if they had a question about the new system, or whatever, that would be fine too... but posting on my threads saying this as your FIRST post...: I don't think so.SWG does suck now. And I can say that. No one plays, save for Dai, you and a few others maybe. And I'm not talking out of my ass.All I can say, is if they did fix it, it's too little, too late for me.My basic point is - please stay positive and constructive about the game that I love, even if you don't like it or hate it. If you can't be positive, then just don't post here...that way you save yourself from a bunch of e-debating.Well, the thing is, I brought that up cos you said, "If anyone says anything bad about SWG they can't." I said I can because I played the game, and quit. I haven't played now, but that's irrelevant. That's not why I quit. I guess I didn't make it clear that I quit cos no one plays. SWG didn't do anything for me, and even if it does come back sexy, I don't care. I'm done.I think you ought to just shut up. I wasn't even posting anything negative. And if I did, it was purely person opinion. You have your opinion, and I can choose to post wherever I want. I was completely a happy camper, joking around until you had to try and do all this. :roll:Then if your done, stop posting on these forums... I don't see the motive here, other than to A: Put down the game, B: Be positive about the game, or C: Annoy me. I know Kam is C.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:09 pm
by Jordan
L: Post and chat with my clanmates."I don't care. I'm done"I was talking about the game. Quit changing what you are saying. First, you said, "don't be here if you're going to be negative." I proved I wasn't, so you said, "Don't post here, unless you're going to be positive."You don't control these boards, and until I got annoyed over this, (Yes, I'll take the blame for getting worked up), I was perfectly fine. I wasn't out to bash the game, and say how horrible it was. I said I didn't enjoy it. Note the times I say, "I". My opinion. Not yours, and I'm not forcing it on anyone else.Because of this little debate, I am getting to be an annoyance; I had better stop or I'll become what you say I already am. So, I'll be respectful and not be negative, (even though I wasn't before :roll: ), but I will continue to post where I want.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 4:13 pm
by HobarNintendo
Make love not war...condoms are cheaper than guns.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 4:22 pm
by Bane
Make love not war...condoms are cheaper than guns.Thats one of the coolest quotes ever!Can I keep one of your fingers when you die? You know, as a memory?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 4:36 pm
by gramps
Quit changing what you are saying. First, you said, "don't be here if you're going to be negative." I proved I wasn't, so you said, "Don't post here, unless you're going to be positive."Not to stir up hate or start a brawl ( :wub: for life Jordy, and we need to talk on AiM more! I miss our chats about life in general! :D ) but umm, that stance that you posted about is the same. Not being negative, and going to be positive is pretty much the same thing. Opposite of negative is positive, and vice versa, so he is saying the same thing twice, just rephrasing it differently.Therefore he isn't changing what he is saying.And I think he was getting frustrated at the fact that you just barged on in without having played or even done the TestCenter of the Combat Upgrade (which granted, everyone was skeptical about), and just completely bashed it without giving it a try. I don't think so.SWG does suck now. And I can say that.Don't knock it before you try it, as the saying goes, and I think that is why he was a little distressed.And just as an example. When my account was banned I was very frustrated. I knew it was on accident what my friends did, but I couldn't help to be sad that I lost 3 seperate avatars, and 2 with credits in the millions and some very personal items. I never thought I was coming back. Heck you were right, no one played. Then something happened. I was at my friend's house, and he had the Combat Upgrade installed and I asked to play it. After 5 minutes of joyful experience with the new timer fighting system and the awesomely redone graphics, I was hooked again. I even restarted an entire account and purchased the game again (several hours of work coming from my pocket) just to play; all because of the Combat Upgrade.That's all I got for now. I'm not drinking a drop of h80rade because I love you all forever, but I'm just stating the facts. :D

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:02 pm
by Darth Bob
I should be going to comp USA today..... I might need some money to reopen my houses.... Oh wait everyone but Dai and Jace abandoned our home again.... Ah they're rich though, or they should be unless Dai has been buying some Krayt weapons he is uncert for like I know he wants to.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:29 pm
by GuessWho17
Make love not war...condoms are cheaper than guns.Guns don't kill people, husbands who come home too early do.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:35 pm
by HobarNintendo
Make love not war...condoms are cheaper than guns.Thats one of the coolest quotes ever!Can I keep one of your fingers when you die? You know, as a memory?You can have two :wink:

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 7:53 pm
by DaikatanaGenshu
I have like 700k Bob. :cry: