Monster Hunter Info

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Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm

Post by Serge »

parties of 4 can go out into the land of MH!Once you sign in, there's three "Lands" you can go into: Red, Green, and Blue. Then, inside each of those lands are 26 Areas, one for each letter of the alphabet. (ex. Area F). Finally, within those Areas are the actual towns, which can hold up to 8 people. As Des just said, 4 people is the max for an actual quest.Kam do you think you'll be getting on today? I'll try to be on AIM so I can help you. \:D/I got the Keyboard Controller thing so Oh Hells Yea!There is an 80% chance that I will be getting on tonight at around 9 PM tonight EST. So I hope others are on too.
Posts: 5421
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm

Post by Evangelion »

Alright, what's everyone doin' tonight? I was wondering if we could all get together and welcome Kam! How does 7 P.M. EST sound? 8? 9? Post your availablilty! We could always set something up for a later date, too. :)
Posts: 4672
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm

Post by Outlaw »

What is that central time?? I think i can make it. I do plan on getting on MH tonight though because i dont work tommorow morning and i'm able to stay up late.
Posts: 2797
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm

Post by PsychoMidget »

parties of 4 can go out into the land of MH!Once you sign in, there's three "Lands" you can go into: Red, Green, and Blue. Then, inside each of those lands are 26 Areas, one for each letter of the alphabet. (ex. Area F). Finally, within those Areas are the actual towns, which can hold up to 8 people. As Des just said, 4 people is the max for an actual quest.Kam do you think you'll be getting on today? I'll try to be on AIM so I can help you. \:D/I got the Keyboard Controller thing so Oh Hells Yea! \:D/
WasntMe... ShutUpYouFuck!
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