State of the Union: Hell, here we come~!

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State of the Union: Hell, here we come~!

Post by ZeligmanZ »

I'm so very, very sad. Sad enough to move to canada and drink milk from a bag. After watching the state of the union, here is the recap Here's what Bush REALLY said tonight:1) unless you are a christian fundamentalist conservative... fuck you2) unless you are rich...fuck you3) if you are Iranian... fuck you4) if you think we are scared of you... fuck you5) if you think Iraq was bad.. just wait til we come for you6) if you cant afford healthcare... fuck you7) If you lost everything you own in Katrina, and you don't make 250,000 a year or more.... fuck you8.) If you're not American ... fuck you8a) If you're African American .... fuck you9) If you ARE American, and happen to be gay ... fuck you10) If you are a woman and want control over your own body... fuck you11) If you are a medical scientist working for a cure using stem cells... fuck you12) And finally, if you aren't a member of the Bush or Cheney family and friends (including all the Bin-ladens except Osama [anymore]) ... well then... Fuck You13) Oh, and if you are the next generation, we are handing you the bill for our war on the world, so.... fuck you the most. :cry: :cry: :cry:
When Reb Zusya died and encountered God, God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Abraham during his life. God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Moses during his life. God DID ask him why he wasn't more like TIBBY during his life.
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Re: State of the Union: Hell, here we come~!

Post by ReDWasK »

I'm so very, very sad. Sad enough to move to canada and drink milk from a bag. EMBRACE THE BAGGED MILK! EMBRACE IT!seriously tho, that's grosswhat's worse is the Patriot Act, i don't know how you guys can sleep at night with that thing hanging over you (or listening to you through a phone tap) it's insane and negates constitutional rights
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Post by tiberius »

what constitutitional rights.............................. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others. - Buddha
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Post by BloodViper »

I'd love to see this country swallow all it's pride and fuck up it's future, maybe even literally collapsing (it's happen before!)
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Re: State of the Union: Hell, here we come~!

Post by MasteredCloud »

I'm so very, very sad. Sad enough to move to canada and drink milk from a bag. After watching the state of the union, here is the recap Here's what Bush REALLY said tonight:1) unless you are a christian fundamentalist conservative... fuck you2) unless you are rich...fuck you3) if you are Iranian... fuck you4) if you think we are scared of you... fuck you5) if you think Iraq was bad.. just wait til we come for you6) if you cant afford healthcare... fuck you7) If you lost everything you own in Katrina, and you don't make 250,000 a year or more.... fuck you8.) If you're not American ... fuck you8a) If you're African American .... fuck you9) If you ARE American, and happen to be gay ... fuck you10) If you are a woman and want control over your own body... fuck you11) If you are a medical scientist working for a cure using stem cells... fuck you12) And finally, if you aren't a member of the Bush or Cheney family and friends (including all the Bin-ladens except Osama [anymore]) ... well then... Fuck You13) Oh, and if you are the next generation, we are handing you the bill for our war on the world, so.... fuck you the most. :cry: :cry: :cry:Gotta admit though....having him in power is quite amusing :P
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Post by Vauce »

I did not watch "State of the Union", but it would be hard to imagine any modern politician, especially the President of the Unites States saying anything near that. It's never been in my interest to contradict a grown teacher either, but in this case i'm pretty sure you're exaggerating a little too much. I'll have to look at what he said before I say any more... But in the mean time: www.powerlineblog.comMaybe you'll learn something.
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Post by ZeligmanZ »

I did not watch "State of the Union", but it would be hard to imagine any modern politician, especially the President of the Unites States saying anything near that. It's never been in my interest to contradict a grown teacher either, but in this case i'm pretty sure you're exaggerating a little too much. I'll have to look at what he said before I say any more... But in the mean time: www.powerlineblog.comMaybe you'll learn something.Excellent - it's so great to find someone who can't think for themselves, and takes everything a leader says as truth... just b/c they are the leader. here are just a few facts that you WON'T find on that idiotic website:1) Bush met with his advisors immediately upon taking office (8 months before 9/11) to design a strategy to invade Iraq - Bob woodward's book chronicling the Bush first months in office. BTW, Bob is a Bush supporter as well, but stands by his writing2) Bush is the ONLY President... EVER... who has pushed through a tax cut in a time of war. And, by the way, the tax cut didn't help anyone who makes LESS than 250,000.00 a year. (which is 98% of people in this country).3) He demanded that Congress pass ANOTHER taxcut for the wealthy, which will more than double the debt that you will inherit when we are all gone - its currently 8 TRILLION dollars!As of 2/1/06 the debt is $ 8,190,925,748,248.05it is increasing at a rate of 2.8 BILLION PER DAYThe estimated population of the United States is 298,407,750so each citizen's share of this debt is $27,448.77.source: Web Page NameOf course Vauce, if you are one of the beneficiaries of that tax cut, I can understand why you would support this administration, but honestly, do you want a government deciding what is ethical and religiously appropriate for you? Do you want your government eavesdropping on your phone calls, email, etc without utilizing the system that was designed to protect our rights called the constitution? Do you want to turn back the clock on medical advances? Turn your back on the poor, the elderly, and the disabled? Think about it.... don't believe me because I said it ... get the facts and think for yourself, rather than listening to the talking heads who spin and lie for a living (on both sides) Read and make up your OWN mind
When Reb Zusya died and encountered God, God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Abraham during his life. God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Moses during his life. God DID ask him why he wasn't more like TIBBY during his life.
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Post by Bane »

*snuggles down in his European couch*I like this side of the ocean, I think I'll stay here :D Oh, and I'm sick.
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Post by Serge »

Hurray for political debates. I'm going to grab my popcorn and watch.
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Post by tiberius »

I did not watch "State of the Union", but it would be hard to imagine any modern politician, especially the President of the Unites States saying anything near that. It's never been in my interest to contradict a grown teacher either, but in this case i'm pretty sure you're exaggerating a little too much. I'll have to look at what he said before I say any more... But in the mean time: www.powerlineblog.comMaybe you'll learn something.whats to learn.....that you direct someone to a far rightwing webblog....oh boy, arent u just mr. fucking smartypants................... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Maybe it is you who should take his head out of his ass and start looking around. you may be young, but that is no excuse for sheer unadulterated fucking stupidity............Maybe....just maybe, you should wake up to the fact that for over two hundred years the US has stood as a bulwark against the those countries with tyrannical dictactorships and oppressive governments, who torture their own people, lock them away without giving them any rights, spy on their every move. Today, we are one with those countries, with the president believing that he is above the law, able to ignore any law he deems to be combersome or out of date. He signs orders to imprison US citizens without justification or probable cause, locks them away indefinitely, without the right to consult with an attorney, or to have any contact with the outside world whatsoever. Signs orders for the establishment of secret prisons around the world, set up to do who knows what, other than torture and cause the death of those they have seized. He has set in motion orders which allowed for the torture and death of dozens of men in Iraqi and Afgan prisons and then when exposed, allowed his higher ups to make some lower level grunts the fall guys. He has in coordination with this policy, issued orders that the US no longer abides by the Geneva Conventions. He signs new anti-torture legislation, and then remarks that if he chooses, he will not abide by such a law. He has set up secret spying programs in violation of existing laws of the US and then uses his SOU to thumb his nose at his critics, believing that since the Republicans control all branches of government, he is totally untouchable. All in the lame assed notion of "protecting" we fellow Americans, in a bullshit nebulous "war" on terrorism. He took us into a war in Iraq on completely fabricated grounds. This, you may not remember, was a sovereign nation, which in turn, makes this an illegal and unjustified war. Therefore, by this definition, Bush, et. al., could justifyably be tried as War Criminals in the World Court. Iraq has become a breeding ground for young men fomenting and lining up to be the next World Trade Center bombers. War on terror, my ass. This insane war in Iraq has increased the threat to the US a thousandfold and may have repercussions for generations to come. Remember that as maybe some of your relatives are blown up by some islamic terrorist, hell bound on getting even with the US for invading a muslim country without justification. These people think and hold grudges not for years, but for entire generations. Wake up you fucking lil rightwing moron! Maybe it is you who needs to learn something.......learn that this president is one of the most dangerous men ever to hold the office. We can only hope and pray that he is impeached ASAP.
To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others. - Buddha
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