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just so you know...
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 7:22 pm
by Bane
...Drep has a new Freelancer server (serge mentioned it..?), file and stuff can be found here: ... elancerAll the install files are there, but I cant make any sence of what your sopposed to do. Whatever.
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 7:47 pm
by Serge
Get on AIM or Vent ORhave a fresh install of Freelancer, get Freelancer Mod Manager 1.3 then just activate the mod, it will take along time to activate(keep all the default settings). You don't need to turn any of the hud mods or the TE event mod on unless you want a new hud. and if Drep ever put any of the patches on that the Freeworlds people made, just keep all default settings on the mod and activate the patch with default settings while the freeworlds is already activated.