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movie maker tutorial

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 2:16 pm
by Original
Movie maker tutorial.U always wanted 2 make ur own movie of a game or something like that…well good news….i made a tutorial of it…First download these 2 programs its very easy;2317 when u downloaded the demo recorder place the 2 .cfg files in ur base folder…now open the recordingdemos.cfg and change the bind o vstr startswitch and the bind p vstr stopswitchin w/e key u want… looks like this. I got them on F2 and F3. // Jk2Bindingsbind o vstr startswitchbind p vstr stopswitchstart up jk2 or an other game….when u want to record just press the startswitch bind…if u wanna stop press the stop bind..I don’t know how fraps work but I think something like this…Start up fraps and go to movies….then start it upStart up the game..(we take jk2) and go to play……then the 3 choise….demoAnd start the demo u want just let it go….and let the fraps record it……now when u are finished.. open the saved movie and cut out w/e u want…… place a nice music behind it….and save it again Putt it on jk2 FoU or every site u want...More details over fraps will follow…If u have a question…..private message me…..or putt it under this threadgreetsz....Original. (ps i made this if something is wrong blame me)

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:40 pm
by VII
I think the movie makers here know how to make movies. But nice try :P

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:21 pm
by Original
:cry: it....aint....good :?: :cry: aww...come1 these programs work fine man..and afcourse the movie makers of fou know how 2 make 1.....but hey it took snape that long....i couldnt w8 that long....and besides this was also a way to know HOW 2 make movies for myself couse i didnt tried fraps out...

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:03 pm
by QuidBoy
:cry: it....aint....good :?: :cry: aww...come1 these programs work fine man..and afcourse the movie makers of fou know how 2 make 1.....but hey it took snape that long....i couldnt w8 that long....and besides this was also a way to know HOW 2 make movies for myself couse i didnt tried fraps out...Are there any fucking verbs in this whole sentance?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:27 pm
by Kuraichi
I enjoy it thanks Orig.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:05 am
by VII
:cry: it....aint....good :?: :cry: aww...come1 these programs work fine man..and afcourse the movie makers of fou know how 2 make 1.....but hey it took snape that long....i couldnt w8 that long....and besides this was also a way to know HOW 2 make movies for myself couse i didnt tried fraps out...Are there any fucking verbs in this whole sentance?Im too cool for school.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:44 am
by QuidBoy
i wish my compy didn't suck, or i'd make movies :cry: thanks for the tut tho

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:47 am
by Akee
i wish my compy didn't suck, or i'd make movies :cry: thanks for the tut thoNo worries, you'll be haXed in my next one.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:50 am
by VII
i wish my compy didn't suck, or i'd make movies :cry: thanks for the tut thoNo worries, you'll be haXed in my next one.oooooooohh he challenged you quiddy to a hax contest.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 9:34 am
by QuidBoy
i wish my compy didn't suck, or i'd make movies :cry: thanks for the tut thoNo worries, you'll be haXed in my next one.*puts on N*Sync*