well ... yzuki or ysuki or whatever ... the leader of the ninja clan is threatening the FoU for some unknowen reason ... he told me to tell all of you guys that he hates FoU and that he owned 5 FoU all at the same time ... he told me to tell you ... dont kill the messenger ... and truv will know what im talking about cuz he was there
no ... dont ban him ... he said he would hack the server and crash it permanatly if you did ban him ... his cousin is a major hacker ... but thats all he said
why is it that ppl who aren't even in fou are always coming on this board and giving us warnings??? do you really think we care if ysuki hates us?? i sure as hell don't. and i just saw em last night and he didn't say nothin to me or do anything to me so he can't be that mad
No yoda is right. Yuzki is just out to get all FoU. He is mostly mad at Shadow but he hates us all for some reason. He said we are traitors to him and back stabbers...I told him that FoU made no contact to defend you or anything so...He says 'Fuck FoU' and kills me saber down.Go figure I then stuffed his turkey the next time he tried to kill me and he stopped.