I am redoing my logo , and so Id like to get the opinions of those graphicly inclined here. And suggestions welcome. I am not entireley set on this logo, and once I can come up with ideas for a different one i will try it, but ill try this for now and see if it is liked.DD logo 4
Oh ya sorry, Its for my graphic design company(dont laugh) but i get alot of request to make websites and stuff. I started it a long time ago and had an old logo that was orange, and i made it when i knew little about photoshop, using a logo and the bevel and emboss. Stands for Dynamic Designs
If you're going to use that animation (which is pretty neat by the way, use that in a web interface), I'd suggest having a much more complex or 3D looking logo design. The rings need something with more body to move around.
What Mus said.. And also..When the animation gets to the end and repeats itself, try to make that a little more smooth, like the rest of it. I wasn't even looking at it and I noticed how it kind of jerked into the beginning frame from the last few.
whenever it comes to making animations looping smoothly (er usually i just make shit spin around but...) just delete the last frame or so. this mostly applies to flash movie clips but WHATEVER