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SWG: The Master Plan

Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 7:44 pm
by Eat_More_Goats
Hello to all out thereI know I've for the most part not posted, I've been all but a ghost on the forums lately.Where the fook has goats been? Well, I've doin a lot of recon on this whole SWG thing.Most of my non JK2 time and non school time (besides my comp break down) has been devoted to scrapping up all the info possible on SWG.Why?So I have all the info I need to help bring about this idea to all of my JK2 friends, the Master Plan.*THE MASTER PLAN*The Master Plan I've sitting on my ass trying to come up with is ways for all of us in the cirle (JotR, FoU, and all surrounding clans and people) who are going to SWG to come together as 1 huge assed PA.As 1 huge assed PA we'll be able to do a lot more things than if we were a bunch of tiny PAs, such as: *Build a player run city *Provide protection for all of our jedis in training (so they don't have to worry about death)*Be able to trade amongst each other so we're not paying inflated prices for things like blasters and what not.*In time, be able to do the high end things in the game (don't know what they are yet, but all MMO games have them)*If we decide to join a faction, we can wage wars on opposing factions on a lot larger scale.*Tons of other things, such as always having someone around to talk and hang out with. it really sucks being in a guild/PA, going online and only seeing maybe 2 people on*When the space expansion comes out, maybe have our own fleet of shipsThis isn't my decision of course, this is between all the JK2 clans to agree to or go thier own way. I think in order for something like this to happen, there would have to be a scheduled *JK2 Orgy* where all of us who are going to SWG come together on a platform (chat program or something) and hash out ideas.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 12:05 am
by Darth Bob
i like that plan except for the whole faction thing.. i wanna be neutral...... and the whole jedi thing... personally i think we should have 2 jedis at MAX becuase before you know it, they're a fried corpse under the tatooine sun.... im serious you jedi are so dead

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 4:14 am
by Christian
all good ideas Goats but i tend to agree with Bob on his points as well :)

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 10:03 am
by Juggalo
it's not that it's gonna be HARD to be a jedi, it's gonna be hard to BECOME a jedi.... But here is my master togeather and get your chars up as FAST as you can...have like BIG hunting parties so you can kill harder stuff togeather. Also we need EVERY type of char. Jedi's are gonna be cool, but guys, those chars take a while to even be able to make. I recommend either playing something where you can get fat cash or a really nice pvp/hunter char. Medics, Dancers, and Musicans are REAL handy to have in groups because they cure wounds and battle fatigue notto mention other players tip them credits (money if your dumb) all the time. I'm not trying to tell you what to play or don't, but remember getting to be a jedi is about as hard as it is in real life. Especially to get to a jedi that's decent. You want a fast decent pvp char? Make a rifleman they can snipe and kill in 1 shot sometimes, or a commando cause they can throw grenades and they're just tough. Also make sure you choose a race that's gonna best suit your profession. I will give them credit on this tho, you can be anything you want with any race you want pretty well, but if you want to be leet then you want right items+right race for profession+and leveled up = AZZ KIKER! That's where people come in to be able to just craft, yeah i know it sounds boring but it'll be REALLY handy. Thing is, it's gonna cost alot of credits to make those type of chars, so my suggestion is maybe have a tip jar or something or have 1 char like snape or someone collect credits from pa members for them to use for materials and such. okie dokie, i'm still messing around so i haven't decided what i'm gonna make yet, but i'm still leaning toward a bothan/creature handler. Anyway, what do you guys think? :shock: damn :shock: longest post i've ever written i think. and...YOU...HAVE...TO...READ...IT...HAHAHAHA! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 10:09 am
by Juggalo
oh ja...i COMPLEATLY agree with having a huge ass PA tho. The bigger the better. The more people we can take out at once and just WAGE war. Angry Elves did it all the time on Merlin server of DAoC. Hell they still do. In fact they're part of this whole gaming clan and i could convince them to let us merge with them, thing is tho they're playing bloodfin. The plus side to it would be experianced mmrpg players and gamers not a bunch of people that don't know what they're doing. NEway i don't think server is up for debate anymore anyway. I don't mind, hell i might play both servers. When I play mmrpgs i like to work alot of different types of chars. I'll prolly make a dancer or something just to have something for a change of pace. :idea: Gonna make a fat short bald man for a dancer. :idea: Hehe

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 12:04 pm
by Eat_More_Goats
Gonna make a fat short bald man for a dancer. :idea: Hehe :lol: I was thinking about dabbling in the dancer arts, with a pot bellied rodian.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 4:49 pm
by Juggalo
actually i just made a musician that looks like that his name is Jugg'alo Forlife lol

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 5:01 pm
by Darth Bob
ugh you guys really dont get it.. being a jedi will be harder, because the slightest revealment (is that a word?) of your force powers will mean darth vader will be paying you a visit

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 10:23 pm
by Juggalo
not it won't you just won't be allowed in towns or anything i'm sure...attacked by any imperial npc and player all the time. but c''s a JEDI 8)