How About Some Respect?
How About Some Respect?
Hi.Most of you know me as Taco and If you did not know I am been newly appointed as a admin of the HoP. Now you all know I would not accept this job or even beg for it like I did, if I did not want to serve the people on the server to the best of my abilites.Problem that I have recieved few thanks and good jobs. Instead I have been recieving put downs and insults in my decsions. Just tonight I had to leave after 3 hours of being at the Helms Deep with the Boys and Jaina and I say that I have to leave. Almost everyone did not take this too well. Instead they yelled at me and shouted demands and at the end deicdied to change the map themselves through vtoing to a map only 2 our 16 people had.Now...people..if you don't want me to be a admin...I will quit and you may go on with your happy little lives. Vote here right now. .................
Taco, welcome to the club. This is why i'm always pissed off, because when you guys demand shit and cry when you don't get what you want, you drag all your problems onto the admins.Taco, it comes with the territory. If you don't want to do what they want, you have the power not to. Just tell them to fuck off and make your own decisions, don't let anyone try and sway you on the decisions you make. You where made admin out of trust in your abilities, not because you're a push over and you'll make EVERYONE happy. Do what you feel is right man.Again, don't let them control you, and when they give you shit; think nothing of it. It's not because they don't want you to be an admin, it's because they don't get their own way.
Third That, T-Dogg, as i said before, your doing fine, and you do NOT have to put up with people who are causing you stress in the server, you can just kick them if they cause trouble, thats your job? aint it? im not sayin boot eryone who asks you to do somethin, as you'd already know, i watched u today er....was with you, and u were just fine, tell em if they dont shaddup, me, cyph, and you will slap em silly god damnit! Now quit this nonsense, and have some fun!
They say ignorance is bliss, i say your just plain stupid.
Taco, stay. i haven't been on to see you work your admin magic yet but i'm sure you're doing a fine job :)and everthing Mush said is sadly true. demand, demand, demand, nag nag, nag. it's almost a rule of life now: if you don't get what you want the first time, bitch about it until you get your way. Taco, just do what is best for everyone involved and if the best is switching the server to Bespin to fill the server up, so be it