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Of the 3 Consoles

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:05 am
by GuessWho17
I have a Wii. My friend has had an Xbox 360 since the night it came out. He works at circuit city and he got a ps3 just last night, and I got to see what it has to offer!The Wii: It's simple. Not about the graphics, it's all about the motion feature. Out of all three I still love the Wii the most mostly because of its potential, but I will say that even with the component cable the graphics are maybe only a little better than ps2 and xbox. It's fun as hell, though, and it comes with a free game (Wii sports) that really shows how simple games can become extremely fun and addictive to all ages. Economically speaking, this system is the #1 bang for your buck.The let down here is as of now, there is no way to play a DVD on it... but there are plans for it being possible in the future. Also, although it has a virtual game feature on it... these old school games are quite pricey and most people will only buy the oldschool games they really want.The 360: Comes out a whole year ahead of the crowd! Very nice graphics, and the only problem that it has had so far was on release some of them had overheating problems. My friend personally has never had his 360 freeze on him or anything bad happen. The big hit on this is mostly the graphics, obviously... The 360 has at least 5 titles on it that I would rate over a 9. On top of all that I have yet to say... the exclusive game that makes getting this console worth it - Halo 3 will own. The real downside to the 360 versus the other two is that you have to pay 50$ a year for online.The PS3: Graphics with a motion sensitive idea. They strip the whole rumble pack idea out of the controller (which has been around since nintendo 64!!!) and put in this whole new "six-axis" technology. If done right, the controller will make some COOL features in the future, but as of now no games really make an amazing use of it yet. I've only seen one game played on this console, which was Resistance: Fall of Man, but from what I saw on the single player and multiplayer it looks like top-of-the-line PC-like graphics here. Looks fun but in the end its just another FPS with better graphics and nothing real special. It came with a free blue-ray Talladega Nights with it (which is a great movie!) but there was a major problem that many people have been having - FREEZING! It froze twice when we watched it. From a fully cooled off for at least 5 hours system, it crashed at midway point, and then again minutes before the ending. NOT A GOOD SIGN SONY! The good thing about the PS3 is that online is free as of now, and it plays blue-ray along with hi def DVDs. The bad thing along with the crashing is that it costs a pretty penny and is very hard to get!On a scale of 1-10 this is how I would rate all 3 systems...Wii - 9 For being cheap, fun, small, and simple.Xbox 360 - 9.2 For being decently priced, fun, able to play DVD's, and worthy of next gen graphics.PS3 - 7.8 For trying a mix of awesome graphics and motion sensitive, able to use both blue-ray AND DVD's, and having a working internet browser. (the freezing stumped the score I gave it, without the freeze defect I would give an 8.5)If anyone has something to add to any of this (being productive with criticism in positives and negatives) please feel free to post!

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:16 am
by GuessWho17
Oh yea one more thing! If you vote, please post what you voted and why! I voted on the Wii because of the reasons I gave in the post above - it's small, affordable, fun to play, and very simple to learn.On a side note, I believe I'm going to turn in my Xbox along with tons of xbox and ps2 games and get a 360 as another xmas gift. I know I already got a Wii early... and my dad is gonna get me a nice widescreen LCD computer screen (count this as part of my birthday gift though!!) but he really wants to get me something I will REALLY be excited about come christmas! So hopefully when I get 360 I'll grab gears of war and hop on live with some of you other crazy fockers!

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:06 am
by BloodViper
can i have money for christmas, guess?

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:41 am
by Spyke
thatd be cool guess, me anus vash red play regularly. i like all your ratings and havent tried a wii yet so i cant comment on it yet. Halo 3 will own though.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:11 am
by Anubis
wii = 8360 = 9ps3 = (dont have so u cant really go by this...but...) 6the wii did exactly what they said they would do. they said they werent going for the most recent technological advances because they want it to be affordable they made a quote and i think it was something like "we will never sell a system over 250 dollars" whether that means u can buy a 250 system then a 250 add on thats like virtual reality or what they are keeping it affordable while still being innovative and fun. zelda looks great. the shooters look good. and they have some addictive games out. not to mention more games being highly anticipated. only downside is the fact that it isnt as pretty as the other systems but still this is a great buy. o and to my knowledge i think they had a flawless launch. no returns or remarks of any kind with freezing but then again i dont always read things....the 360 came out a year before the others. a year less of development and they still come out on top (or near it) as far as hardware is concerned. with a year gone by they have an expansive library of titles and have a number of exclusives that have done well (halo, dead rising, gears of war, couple others) i got mine at launch and am lucky enough to have the very same box without ever having to send it back or get any repairs so i cant speak for maybe red who apparently returns it every week. the games look great, the controls feel right for the games and overall this has been the best online console imo with very minor problems that were readily fixed (now if they could just knock the price down =/)ps3 is the only system i dont have and have never seen played properly outside of idiots at bestbuy. the graphics look to be the prettiest with such recent things such as ffxiii but thats how the ff games have always done is up it a notch or two which is to not say the 360 cant do but just hasnt yet. ive heard that it currently has many problems with freezing and glitches but that is to be expected with a new system. their current list of titles isnt much impressive and with it being the most expensive i decided against getting it. it has free online (though whether its online can be on par with 360's is in the air) and is a cheap blue ray player. ps2 was an epic system cause it was purely a masterpiece. it held up for a long time and had mostly all the hit titles in the gaming world which is why i imagine ps3 will do well to. just at launch i dont see a reason to have one. o and a guy got shot in line getting one a couple miles from my house so -50 dkp

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:57 pm
by Jordan
Holy shit, a Wii didn't get you "REALLY" excited for Christmas?!The Wii, yeah. Looks fun and I'm not going to break bank to play it. Mainly for SSBB.The only reason I want an Xbox 360 is for Dead Rising, and I'd need a Hi-Def tv for that...which is more money. Which I don't have. My parents already pay to feed me and house me, and that's about it. Don't have enough money put away to buy all that AND pay for college ha ha.PS3. $600. Ew. Maybe when the price drops a little. MGS4.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:26 pm
by ReDWasK
red who apparently returns it every week. lol yeh it fuggin seems that wayconsole 1: died when i was away for 3 weeks, i called xbox, they sent a box to my house, my bro handled it and it was back before i got home (took a week and a day total)console 2: died after getting the fall update. would inconsistently boot properply, sometimes just going to a black screen. this problem wasn't exclusive to your's truly. called xbox, got box, had a 'new'-refurb in less than a weekconsole 3: less than a week box has difficulty connecting to wireless controllers AND, im assuming, as a result, headsets do not work. i tested this to eliminate possibility of damaged headsets/controllers (3 headsets, 2 controllers, even tried controllers at eb games which connected fine)this time tho it was a hassle to get a box to ship it back in. 1st call, paki bitch, put on hold 9 or 10 times. 10 days pass, no shipping box. i call, north american chick says paki fucked up, she'll send a new one. 5 days pass, i call again. he said there's a box on the way, but says both people gave me an incorrect reference number. Box is here, i'm shipping it out today. if i get another fuck up im probably just gonna sell all my xbox shit and get a Wii. but gears of war is fun, and thus far i havent had to pay for shipping/repair even tho it was out of warrantee (tho the warrantee is too short for such a p.o.s.)

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:15 pm
by Spyke
maybe get a new one instead of refurb ones over and over.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:23 pm
by ReDWasK
lol, spend another 400 bucks? go fuck yourselfif it comes down to that like i said, ill get a nintendo, im not splooging into M$ wallet if thats the case

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:33 pm
by MasteredCloud
red who apparently returns it every week. lol yeh it fuggin seems that wayconsole 1: died when i was away for 3 weeks, i called xbox, they sent a box to my house, my bro handled it and it was back before i got home (took a week and a day total)console 2: died after getting the fall update. would inconsistently boot properply, sometimes just going to a black screen. this problem wasn't exclusive to your's truly. called xbox, got box, had a 'new'-refurb in less than a weekconsole 3: less than a week box has difficulty connecting to wireless controllers AND, im assuming, as a result, headsets do not work. i tested this to eliminate possibility of damaged headsets/controllers (3 headsets, 2 controllers, even tried controllers at eb games which connected fine)this time tho it was a hassle to get a box to ship it back in. 1st call, paki bitch, put on hold 9 or 10 times. 10 days pass, no shipping box. i call, north american chick says paki fucked up, she'll send a new one. 5 days pass, i call again. he said there's a box on the way, but says both people gave me an incorrect reference number. Box is here, i'm shipping it out today. if i get another fuck up im probably just gonna sell all my xbox shit and get a Wii. but gears of war is fun, and thus far i havent had to pay for shipping/repair even tho it was out of warrantee (tho the warrantee is too short for such a p.o.s.)Haha, my regular X-Box is still in great condition, and i've had it since winter of it's launch....what was that, like 5 years ago?