Does anyone have an extra or un-used (paid) account on SWG that I could use? I personally thought the game was freakin' fun back when Erb let me use Jaina's account not too long ago. I've been dying to play it again, but I don't feel like paying for it since I'm at college and am unable to get my time's worth out of it.Thanks.
Does anyone have an extra or un-used (paid) account on SWG that I could use? I personally thought the game was freakin' fun back when Erb let me use Jaina's account not too long ago. I've been dying to play it again, but I don't feel like paying for it since I'm at college and am unable to get my time's worth out of it.Thanks.Yeah, and how about this:I'll also send you an extra $50 a month so you can order in pizza and soda, too.
your parakeet has black and white stripes and its teal, how awesome.when i had my couple parakeets they were just like, yellow.AND THEY BIT MY FINGERS!one time i let him out his cage and he flew all over the house, i was like oh shit, i gotta get him. the little bugger was freaking out and ran into my window, then i got a hold of him and put back in his prison.ahh memories
one time i took the class's finch home for the holidays and it got out of its cage and flew round my rome making a general ruckus. it died a week later
"And this one time, at band camp, we all lost our music and we were supposed to play this song, but we didn't know it, so we just made it up and we kept playing and playing and the conductor didn't know what we were doing and it was so funny."