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Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 9:25 am
by Shadow
Something Enna wrote reminded me of the times we used to have as a collective in SWG. Anyone have fond memories?Some city was hosting a Christmas Party, which a handful of us FoUsters attended. They were trying to be all serious and shit, so I of course antagonized the organizers into a fury. First they banned me from the city, and then they sent their militia against me.Wearing nothing but hot pants and a santa hat, I bravely galloped upon "Speedy" (some huge turkey looking bird) round and round the Guild Hall, screaming FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM as half of the city opened fire in a futile attempt to take me down.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:41 am
by Terras Kasi
lol yeah, was some good times, running around with cypher and the whole fou gang always acting fools. I miss those days.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:37 pm
by Snape
Man, where to start?!My fondest memory will always be the death march of RaR. We were standing around in a group contemplating taking on a pack of really mean lookin' monsters but we weren't sure we could take them. So Sibby (Anus) sent his pet RaR in to get them. Can't remember what species RaR was, one of those really piddly rat creatures (pic here), but just watching him hopping slowly towards these huge bastard monsters and seeing him get absolutely raped within milliseconds of arrival... well it always brings a tear to my eye.There was the magic chair as well - the glitch we had in our camp one time that warped whoever sat in a specific chair to co-ordinates 0,0. For some reason there was a sofa there as well... then you had to trek all the way back to camp which took ages since this was before mounts/vehicles. Think we had an almighty 'pile on' at that camp too, which looked just as gay as it sounds.I remember one time with Enna when we were trying to get my Squad Leader level up by getting people to use our camp over other peoples near one of the Tatooine hot points. Some of the methods we used to entice people over were more than disturbing.Oh and spider hunting. Anyone who ever grouped with me will remember that I could not pass a spider lair without stopping to wipe every one of them out completely. Hate those spiteful creatures of evil.TABBAGE!

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:39 pm
by MasteredCloud
Hmmmm....fondest FoU memories, ah yes our first run through the Corvette! This is when the....instance(?)....opened and what not, of course we were eager to try. Like pretty much everyone else in SWG at the time, we had little knowledge on exactly what to do. Just running around freaking out and yelling the entire time, dieing until we were like all black bared....I forgot, did we finish that round? Oh, and then loading out after it was finished to see Aele still had her buffs somehow. I think she FD'd the entire time....Yeah, that and I just vividly remember watching Maximus popping up as an Imp, and everyone killing him and dragging his corpse all through the City of Rage. Good times, good times....

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 4:57 pm
by Shadow
I remember when they fixed tabbages. Went out and found a pack of them, went prone, and opened up. Instead of moving the accustomed 3 mph, it reached and incapped my ass before I could stand.Or when some noob payed me to take him where I had found some "uber weak" monsters that gave good XP. Took him into a den of growlers (sp?), got my pay, and burst ran the minute he shot one.Or when I found my cloak, my first day in game. Then they took it away.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:08 pm
by Snape
Ahh man... your cloak had legendary status on that game.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:35 pm
by Anubis
wasnt RaR a gnort? i think thats what he was. and i was definetly there for all your memories snape, whats that say ;)my cave of anal wonders, just cause i afk'd there all the way from novie marksman to master bounty hunter. RaR my favorite pet. cypher getting pissed cause he couldnt beat me in a duel even though he had the "perfect" build. dancing in the cantina's makin top dolla.edit: o and early on like the day it came out when i was walking from coronet to the city north (kor vella i think? maybe? idk) and exactly halfway there i died and this was when u had to get your stuff off your corpse. so i enlisted a couple ppl to go on an expedition and we all ended up dieing

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:19 pm
by Outlaw
so when is that SWG emulation gonna come out so we can all hit that up again :D and rebuild fou city :D

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 2:39 am
by Original
so when is that SWG emulation gonna come out so we can all hit that up again :D and rebuild fou city :Di would love to join, but prolly that pay to play is going to ruin that dream :(

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 10:05 am
by Anubis
so when is that SWG emulation gonna come out so we can all hit that up again :D and rebuild fou city :Di would love to join, but prolly that pay to play is going to ruin that dream :(u fail