Marvel Face Off the the Week
Marvel Face Off the the Week
who would win?
Awww come on now. This is no fucking contest at all, the Hulk hands down. Now a Superman and Hulk fight is debateable but this. See Superman imo is weak cause he doesnt use all of his powers really, basically he just flys and punches all the time, if that mofo did some combos with his powers plus some fighting he would kick ass.
I work at burger king making flame broiled whoppers I wear paper hats. Would you like an apple pie with that? Would you like an apple pie with that? Ding!! Fries are done. Din
Hulk and Juggernaut have gone toe to toe a few times and there's never been a real winner, although Juggs caught Hulk unawares and nearly kiled him one time.I know at the start of World War Hulk, he took on Juggs again (and that's after beating the shit out of Blackbolt by the way). I don't think there was a clear winner there either, but Hulk was even stronger after his new radiation intake from when the core of his ship exploded on Sakaar. If I was writing the fight, I'd give it to Hulk. If not being able to kill Juggs, it'd be throwing him into orbit and laughing his arse off. Juggs should be easy to beat in a regular fight (rather than to the death); especially since we saw Hulk and Sentry go at it, with Hulk winning by a small margin. That shit takes real strength.

It'd be one of those truly epic battles, like watching Tib try to wrestle open a packet of peanuts. Either one could win!I think the bag of peanuts has a kill tracker rating of +99 compared to Tibbys.Liking the poll concept Outlaw - but I find it difficult to vote on any poll that doesn't have Tibby as an option. I remember when I did a 'Batman vs Spiderman' poll and it was a lot closer than it should have been.