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Your first friends in JK2?

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 8:59 pm
by Saurrr!
So who were your first friends in JK2? (Trying to increase my post count with this thread and I was in the mood to type a bit :D )Mine were OOJ LoneWulf and.......*drums*....Tibbyyyyyy!!! I met them on Blag. I didn't get to play on Blag for long cos when I found it, it went down a few days later :( Ya Tib I know u don't remember me cos I used the name Desann (all red). But anyway, I had always been killing ppl on servers, never chatting or anything, but when I met LoneWulf and Tib and had a nice time with them (I learned bowing from LoneWulf after hitting him when he was bowing), I decided to change my name into a more "social" one (it was pretty hard to find me because of all the desann bots). So then I came up with my extremely original name :) Whoa..... U know, typing posts on forums is quite nice :) When you're in the mood.My first thread! Yay!Ok I got carried away.

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:03 pm
by Step
My 2 first friends?first Jafo and then Gemz, tho i met Gemz already before Jafo.....<8)

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:07 pm
by Ardent
I would have to say that my first friends in jk were Snape and Dimmu. Infected Tom and Strychnos. I really didnt have any JK friends until i joinrd FoU which was very shortly after i started to play. The person who showed me how to dfa was a player named Raiden and i havent seen him since!

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:37 pm
by TacoBell
You all may know x-com, a clan long ago which is now called n3td. Kenji, Micha, Lysos where all in my clan and they were all my firends. We played in Gamezone servers and I rarely ventured out of the servers. Kenji taught me most all my skills even though I learned most by myself. Once the great Gamezone servers went down and x-com shrotly after, it was time for me to venture out on my own. I met my first FoUster in my last days in x-com, his name was, Miller! Thats right Miller! LoL and he pretty much does not remeber till this day. I went to HellsFire Often and joined clans such as BoS with Tupac and Les Putians with some others. I then shortly after met Snape,He was laughing at a Building so I joined him, we laughed well into the evening about s, cars and the world politics. It was a Gay old time...After my other minor ventures, I joined FoU and yea, the rest is history.That was more of a short bio. Hehe. Hope you enjoyed.~T-Dogg

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 11:42 pm
by Master Z
AAAAAAH, one of my first good friends, Zero (aka Goatfucker at the time) gave meh some dueling tips and I took them a long way. Also Domi, met him in clanmage, always had fun dueling.

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:11 am
by Christian
well, i'll give a list of the first five people i met in the jkii world (and all in ClanMage no less :)):1) Sabrelock -----> this guy absolutely rocks. too bad he isn't on as frequently anymore :/ but still a cool guy who started Yoda/SM an helped me develop my skills other than dueling. that was left to this guy:2) Master Tierloc -----> this boy knew how to duel and was one of the best til he went away. me and him hit a rough spot when i didn't initially invite him to join Yoda so he started Fubar so he could have his own clan (at least i think he started it, lol). but i smoothed things over with him and kept dueling and getting betteruntil he disappeared (prolly to 1.3 or 1.4 or off game entirely :/).3) Jedi Hunter D/Solidus/Archangel -----> my best friend in game by far, always one for a laugh and pulled many pranks on good ol Nate throughout the servers. i was sad back in December when he had to take his internet down for awhile. i didn't know if he'd be back or not but sure enough, here he is, back and good as new. as a side note, vote him into the clan damnit! :rofl: [end shameless plug]4) Nate -----> easy to pick on but as goofy as they come. the boy is skilled that's for sure. too bad he's in Attrox. if we had him, our insanity would shoot up tenfold. 5) Fester/TruVPower -----> easily my 2nd best friend ingame, he almost matches Solidus in the friend department, often leaving me saying i got two best friend ingame. one of the best players in 1.2 by far, he can FFA, duel, and CTF with the best of em. just glad he joined SM and FoU instead of any other clan. another goofy bastard (we get a lot of em here just like we did in SM), he's always caught either in a kick war with me or going after one of his poor, defenseless friends who happen to be saber down. but just like Solid, he sticks by you if you need help and is always willing to lend a helping hand :)well, there's my five. i'm glad to say i met other good friends though (Tib, Ardy, Snape, Miller, and the list goes on). doesn't mean i won't make fun of em bt it doesn't mean i'm not their friend :)

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:24 am
by tiberius
Two of my first friends on jk2 were Soldier and Shadow/aka agito kyo. They were always on Blag late nite and I hung around them trying to pick up tricks and hints on how to play.

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:26 am
by Supa
1. Pally ---> Friends in real life2. Yojimbo aka Crimson Samurai ---> This guy was the man, he was the 1st recruit to DFC (mine and Pally's clan) and was a tight d00d3. JediWood and Zeligman Z ---> Both cool guys I met at RedR's, also Zeli was the 1st one I ever saw with a FoU tag and he brought me to ya guys long ago, lmao.4. RedR ---> Hosted an awesome server before Neverwinter Nights came out, he was an awesome guy. I met Zeli and Wood on his server

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 2:18 am
by seifer
My first friends (or at least that you could go "o i know them") was probly Krath Priest and Zero enna, i had plenty before that but you wouldnt know of them, either that or i just took so many drugs i forgot there names :?

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 2:23 am
by Anubis
My first friends were, well, 7 UP for sure. ummmm, otherwise, i kinda stormed into FoU ppl and started with FoUR, i kinda demanded a tryout from snape. At that time, id say like Miller/Musashi were my next friend s bcause they both trained me in FoUR.