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Taco's Master PA Hall Plan

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 6:51 pm
by TacoBell
Ok Guys. I made this plan to get the ball rolling on what people's roll's should be on this. Forgive me if you disagree with me on who should be doing what, but I'm am known for making pretty good teams. Some of these people are not yet in the game but look to be hopfully in it some time soon.We need many things for this to work.Team A- Money Collectors: People who just collect money for the cause.Team B-People who collect minerals for the hall.Team C-People who collect gas and chemicals or anything else needed.Team D- The Architect and his team of location advisors. Location advisors help find exact locations for everything. Basically the architect's assistants.Team E- Scouts. Now Iw as thinking of adding a 5th team for scouting reasources and locations to build but I thought that our current teams could handle that. But if we get more people which I know we will, we may add this feature.Here is the team line-up.Team A-CypherTerrasZeroBloodViperSnapeEvannTeam B-TacoBellJacenHobarShadowGheedBobGuessWhoEnderTeam C-GoatsYoda-wanCalvinHanKMaximusMidgetCrazyTomShuTeam D-CrashJuggySnipeArchyI think those would make good teams. Heres why. Team A- We have a combined team of smugglers and people like Zero and Snape who just are good people persons who can know how to get their money on.Team B&C- I made sure that we would have a medic on each team. Not nessacerly implying that we have to stay together but just as an insurance policy. We have people have excelled in the game quickyl and already have traveled far by foot. That makes a good team.Team D- Crashster as our amster Architect. Duh. I was gonna add Jacen to this team too but I think he be more valuable surveying. Juggy has already found one possiably good location to build and archy and snipe would make good runners for money and suplies for crash to get XP or build.Now yours thoughts. I think we should have a in game meeting sometime this week.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 7:26 pm
by Evangelion
LOL, I collect money.....Well, in that case......*Takes envelope labled "FoU City Funds" and takes 3/4 of money and goes to buy weapons and armor*

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 10:05 pm
by CrazyTom
how the hell do i get gas and chemicals?? :?: but im all for this thing

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 11:02 pm
by HanK
Use a gas or chemical survey tool.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 11:09 pm
by TacoBell
Yea. If you don't think your right for the job that I put you in. Then Just tell me and Ican switch you to a job that would be better for u. But we still need a an equal amout of force needed in each team.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 12:45 am
by Darth Bob
this is a great plan, except we need crash or jacen to be master architecht first

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:30 am
by TacoBell
Well while they are working on that. We will be collecting resources. To be ready for when they advance.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:47 am
by Terras Kasi
How much cash will we need 100k ? give me 3 hours...Wait they nerfed smugglers sliceng make that 5 =(Btw i vote Crash to be master architect as i see it i think he is higher than offense jacen

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 4:03 am
by HobarNintendo
Im up for it... :)

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 4:39 am
by TacoBell
Well then kiddies! Go Go! Go collect and do your job!