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Tips and Tricks
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 5:53 pm
by Ewik_Fain
Try to keep the thread to just tips and tricks.How To Do 10 (or More) Combat Mission At Once ============================================= 1. Buy a Droid and 5 Droid Batteries. 2. Go To a Mission Terminal. 3. Click the Droid Deed and Choose Tame. 4. Click on the Droid and Choose Program->Follow. 5. /Say <Stupid> Follow (Replace <Stupid> with a name for your droid.) 6. Click on the Droid and Choose Program->Group. 7. /Say <Stupid> Group 8. Click on the Droid and Choose Program->Stay. 9. /Say <Stupid> Stay 10. Click on the Droid and Choose Program->Patrol. 11. /Say <Stupid> Patrol 12. Get a Mission you can handle (Remember the direction). 13. Get another Mission in the same direction. 14. Open your Data-Pad (CTRL-D) 15. Drag the Two Mission on top of the Droid (the model of the droid). 16. Repeat until the Droid can't store and more mission (and you have 2 in your Data-Pad). 17. /Say <Stupid> Follow 18. Complete a Mission. 19. Click on the Droid and Choose->Open. 20. Double-Click on a Mission in the Droid Inventory and Choose Accept. 21. Repeat 17 to 20 Until all Missions Complete. 22. Click on the Droid and Choose->Store. NOTES ===== When you wish to retrieve your droid again: Open your Data-Pad (CTRL-D), Select the Droid and Choose Call. When your droid says "* Low Power *": Click on the Droid and Choose Recharge. Droid with a higher level Data Module allow them to store more missions.
Weapon Stats
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 5:54 pm
by Ewik_Fain
Minimum Damage/Maximum Damage - One of the first things people will look at is damage. Many will just look at maximum damage. The connisuer of good weaponry will consider both. A 21-62 pistol will do less damage in the same firefight that a 30-62 pistol will do. You will not hit for maximum damage every time, no matter what. Realize when you power up a weapon the effects that powering this stat up will have. If you power up max damage, you are reducing your consistency in damage dealing. You will deal more damage, but sometimes not as much as possible. Powering up minimum damage will allow you to be more consistent. The choice of which you want is up to you. Attack Speed - Again, this is one primary consideration for people when buying weapons. All else identical, a 3.3 weapon will do 25% more damage than a 4.4 weapon in the same given period of time. The number is the number of seconds between firing. We all know the feeling of sitting there getting beaten on by a creature and wanting to scream "SHOOT DAMMIT, SHOOT!". This is an excellent stat to power up. A +30% power up on that 3.3 attack speed gives you a whopping 2.3. Wound Chance - This is the chance to make the **edit** bleed. It is a percentage. A 4.4 is worse than a 7% chance. Inflicting wounds is a good thing, and you can power this statistic up. Many times it will be a secondary power up on a two statistic power up. Range Modifiers (--/41/-80) - The first number is your zero range modifier usually a penalty). Low on pistols, moderate on carbines, and high on rifles. The second number is your Ideal Range modifier (see Ideal Range below). The third number is your max range modifier. These determine, before stance bonuses, your chance to hit at a specified range. As you move toward the target, when you first get into range, you will be affected by the max range modifier. As you get closer this will climb to the middle number, and as you move closer still, will fall off to the first number. Powering these statistics up can be tricky, and many will ignore the power ups for these in favor of damage. But you can do great things with accuracy bonuses. If you use a pistol, a zero range or ideal range power up is great, especially if you want to hit consistently while running. If you're using a carbine, consider a ideal range power up. If you are using a rifle, a Max Range bonus can be wonderful, or better yet a Max Range, as you can hit better from a farther distance. Any scout can tell you the further you are from a creature, the longer you have to shoot at it before it figures out WHERE you're shooting from. Ideal Range - The Ideal Range of a weapon is just that...where it works best from. Farther the better. Why? The closer you are, the fewer shots you get on a charging creature or brawler who thinks guns aren't fair toys. A carbineer might want to power this up. A pistoleer would KILL to be able to be effective at more than 15m A rifleman's best friend is range. All in all, a good statistic to power up, especially if it comes with a damage/wound/range modifier power up on the same power up. Max Range - Pretty self explanatory. Can't hit from farther away than this. Health Cost - NO weapon will require HAM points to fire in a normal manner. This statistic is the health cost of using a special move with this weapon. This number is multiplied by a cost multiplier of the special move in question. IE If a special move health multiplier is 3 and your Health Cost is 15, it will cost you 45 health to do this action. Lower is better. Always good to power up this stat, and the other cost stats, especially if you have a low pool in that area or have a weapon that sucks away at a pool. You can die just as easily by draining yourself through special moves (not directly kill yourself, but make it easier for someone to kill you) as you can getting gnawed on by a angry Falumpaset. Action Cost - Same as above, except for Action instead of Health. Tends to be the highest pool drain of any weapon. Mind Cost - Same as abofe, except for Mind instead of Health. Tends to be lowest drain of any weapon.
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 6:31 pm
by Terras Kasi
Smuggler/Pistoleer TricksHealth Shot 2 - novice Pistoleer gets this... it does the initial dmg say like 400 and repeats it every 10 seconds 10 times...... Feign Death - Dirty Fighting I tree..... allows u to fake death by therefore avoiding deathblows...and i u can stay in this Feign Death state for as long as u wish 1 second to 20 minutes.... Example of use.... TK-745(stormtrooper) is standing by him self and u wanna take him out so what u do is you run to about 40m away shoot health shot 2 then click feign death ok u did say 400 dmg initial a storm trooper as an average of 8k hp so u knocked him down to 4k hp u wait till u fullyhealed in FD mode then u stand up shoot him again then Feign death and wait he falls over u get 3k pistol exp and 20 rebel fact points and -31 imperial faction points u loot walk normal circumstances this would have been impossible without FD, once u practice this manuever and master it u will be able to take out the BIGGEST monsters around like today i took out a Kimogila ( a big dragon thing on lok) by my self... it had 16k hp so u guys who are going for smuggler and keep this in mind FD is a weapon as it is a savior... Sorry for this being addressed to only smugglers/pistoleers but we have a TON of smugglers/pistoleers in the clan so i thought i would help them out by typing this up so all the smugglers in the clan would know how i am able to solo all this.. and this is not an exploit ....
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 8:40 pm
by Ewik_Fain
A. Buy or make a factory ( Hey, i said I R Stoopid . Did you expect this to be tough? )B. Plant that factoryC. Go to a crafting station and make a schematic ( can be done at anytime really ) Any schematic will work, sub-component or a one shot product. Make the schematic for any size of use. Being uses of 1 to 100. As long as you have enough material to make 100 units of said product, you can use anything you want. If you dont have enough for 100, the machine will auto stop once the materials are gone. This schematic you can make, HAS to be made with a special tool, like Droid, Weapon and Generic Crafting Tool by a crafting station, or else you wont get the option to make a schematic.D. Go back to your Factory now.E. Click and hold on the factory, and choose Options and choose Access Schematic SlotF. A box will open, and now you are ready to choose the schematic you created.G. Load that schematic you made and it will tell you on screen that its been loaded in to the Factory.H. Now you need to click and hold onto the Factory again, this time, choose Options and " Access Station Ingrediant Hopper" this is where you will drag and drop Items or Resources from inventory and place them into the factories input hopper to use to make whatever your trying to craft.I. Once you have the Schematic loaded, and the resources loaded into the Factory, Click and hold on the Factory again and this time choose,Options and then Start Manufacturing Items ( or some variation of it, its the top button under the Options menu J. The Factory will now begin to make items, its a slow process but if you open your experience meter ( CTRL + S ) you will eventually see your exp rise in whatever field your working on.K. Once the Factory is done making however many items you wanted to make, you now need to access Options again and choose " Access Station Output Hopper " L. Now in that Hopper box , you will see Factory Crates, in quantities of 25 ( if you made over 25 of said item ) 4 of them if you made 100. Drag and drop them into your inventory, or right click and hold on the crate and choose, Pick Up.M. Once their in your inventory, Right Click and hold onto one of the crates and choose " Get Item From Crate " A finished item will leave the crate and enter your inventory. If this is a sub-component, then you will need to make a Schematic from this product from the crate you just got in order for the factory to make the final product that needs this sub-component. N. If this is a Sub-Component, go to a crafting station, open your special crafting tool and create the final product, ill use Vibro Knuckels for this instance. I open my tool, click on Vibro Knuckels and start crafting them. It wants one sub-component and a few other minerals. So i load into the tool the minerals and the sub-component i got from my crate and i create the knuckles. Instead of making the item, i will choose "Create Draft Schematic" and set it for 100 uses. O. Run back to the factory again ( since in my case New Unity has my crafting stations in it, it helps not having to run all over the planet ) P. Click and hold on the Factory again, and choose Options, and then Access Input Hopper. Drag and Drop All the needed resources from inventory and put them into the factories Hopper, as well as all the Crates you made that are Sub-Components.Q. Now Click and hold on the Factory again and choose Options, and then Access Schematic Slot again, use the *New* schematic you just made of the Final Product. ( in my case, i would use my Vibro Knuckles Schematic )Load that Schematic in and you should be ready to go.R. Click and hold on the Factory again, and choose Options, and then Start Manufacturing Objects ( whatever its called, again its the first button under Options)S. As long as you have the EXACT minerals used in making the Schematics, and the Exact Sub-Components used in making the schematics, the Factory will now produce a Final Product for you. T. Once finish, you will recieve an email telling you the Factory is done, and it will tell you how many it made. Congratulations, you've just made your first Final Product, Enjoy the benefits of less grinding to get through skill levels, and less clicking. Any Questions: E-Mail Popojiju in game on Test Center Server.
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 10:04 pm
by TerKey
(This does not work all the time but it worked for me several times)1. Make a camp2. Move away from the camp until it says "Leaving <your name>'s camp.3. Walk back into the camp until it says "Entering <your name>'s camp" ect.4. Reapeat until you reach a min. of 355. disband camp and recieve 600 scouting exp
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 12:52 pm
by Calvin
or just sit in the camp for 10 mins and get 800xp (with ppl in it of course)
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 1:07 pm
by Eat_More_Goats
PvP - I'm 24-1 now, woot!1) Always carry mind drugs on you. Always before a duel (or if you're overt any time you see a red dot) take the drugs. They increase your mind pool 400-800 depending on the drug. The down will be fine after the duel. Mind can't be healed.2) Against a rifleman or carbineer if you're using a pistol ...rush em. Rush them like crazy and stay 1m away from them. They're shooting at -50 while you're shooting at +10.3) When you get supression fire ...use it and rush. This makes standing go kneel and kneel go prone. Against a brawler it's easy pwn. Against anyone else if you can keep them prone while point blank they can't attack.4) Faction - the single biggest X factor that means the difference between life and death in any PvP situation. If you're in a town that you go to a lot the faction till you're +5000. Anyone picks a fight with you when you go overt, they'll not only have you ..but every guard in town to contend with.5) Never AFK or leave the game when you're out in the open ...find a nice hidden place.6) At least insure your weapon, a helmet (to keep from taking mind damage), a mind drug, and in my case a stim. You never know when someone will be a no skill corpse camping fuck.7) Travel in packs and organize weapons to attack the same pool.8) Ignore the pet (droid, creature, what ever) and kill the person who owns it.*General Combat*1) If you're being attacked and you can't outrun what ever you're fighting anyway ...DON'T RUN. You kill your chances to hit, and you make being healed next to impossible.2) Attack 1 pool. If you don't have a weapon for it, just overcharge shot or attack normally. This will cut down the time it takes to kill something a LOT. Nothing in the world gheyer than 5 incapped people, 1 alive guy and a dead animal with 2 bars almost gone, and 1 totally gone.3) Stick to a formation and stick together. Melee and pistols in the front, carbineers and riflemen in the back. Most medics will heal ya if within 30ish meters ....when you're 60m or 100m away you're fucking not only yourself and the medic ...but everyone in your group. All that time running to heal someone way far away means someone who is in the cluster is gonna get incapped, and maybe DB'd. I know I go by priority. Most damaged is highest priority, followed by distance from me. Almost dead and 75m from me is lower priority than 30m away and 1/2 HAM.*General Stuff*1) CLONE DAMNIT! I thought cloning was planet wide's not's city specific. When you make the move to another city ..if you can't afford to clone, than you can't afford to move. Simple as that. Not cloning means when you die you're gonna get wounds, cloning means no wounds.2) THINK. May seem simple, but think about every aspect of what you're doing before you do it. It will save you many many deaths and much lost cash. Thinking maybe it'll be fun to storm the inside of fort tusken? Think what would happen if there was a total wipeout and most people left. Now your body with all your gear is stuck in the middle of fort tusken, and it's gonna be a bitch to get out.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 3:40 pm
by Snape
Aaaaaaah crap they fixed the droid/mission exploit.

Some great tips here guys, keep 'em coming!
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 4:12 pm
by Cypher
In duels i use Health shot2 then run arround them with health drugs, when im almost dead I equil
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 4:13 pm
by Cypher
Ive got 46 wins 3 losses