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Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 10:28 am
by LimpNoodle
bah the punk sux.Download bentframe- star wars gangsta rap 2 its so funny or Weird Al Yankovic- the saga begins (a star wars remix to miss american pie)but if we dont want star wars music how bout some of the Foo's or the chilli peppers.oo oo i know the rush our theme ( War, HUH, yeah what is it good for absoloutely nothing.)hmmm eels- goddamn right its a beautiful day good song for a website (the road trip song)hmm i know everyone likes evanescence now but they can be a bit depressing.
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 10:41 am
by Snape
Theres only one punk song on here, I tried to add a little variety music wise since not everyones tastes will be the same. I've had a fair few positive comments about them so they're staying.But while we're on the topic, I can add a playlist for each person who wants one (as long as the songs are acceptable) but they would have to host them themselves and give me the link.
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 11:01 am
by LimpNoodle
I dont know how to host

and and and i had another idea this songBeatles- A little help from my freindsbecause FoU is about freindship and that song is about getting help from freinds and getting high with a little help from your freinds.this is irrelevant but i like the walrus song. snape if i send you my song can you host them???
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 11:02 am
by LimpNoodle
and for us england homies we should have 50 pence - in da pub :Pok im gonna try something it wont work but here goes [stream:4caf796f3e][/stream:4caf796f3e]oh i did the sound thing and it didnt work i new it wouldnt

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 11:04 am
by LimpNoodle
ohhh lol your supposed to go bacwads on the play list god im so dumb screw my ideas you've already got other music.
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 1:06 pm
by Pain-Killer
i say systme of a down rocks!where were the eyes of a horse on a jetpilot when it flew over a great bay???
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 1:44 pm
by ErBSMoKAh
How about a few songs from the electronic genra, Maybe some breakbeats or some 'ol skewl Jungle or something....I find that music always goes hand in hand with Video games... LoL
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 1:46 pm
by Musashi
[fade:6952eee049]Or, if you don't like it. Don't listen to it.[/fade:6952eee049]
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 1:51 pm
by ErBSMoKAh
Lol, I havnt listened to it at all to tell yout he truth, LoL i dont even know whats there. LoL
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2003 1:53 pm
by Musashi