good on ya FoU
Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 11:14 pm
woot!thanks for the interview (apart from bob who mostly complained about bespin) i'll b putting it up on the site asap, this has got to be the funniest interview i've ever done, wait, its the only one i've ver done so far the other 2 hav been taken care of by other clan members woot!heres the link to our site[color=#00BFFF:8af8b6ae99]w[color=#55A0C2:8af8b6ae99]o[color=#AA8284:8af8b6ae99]o[color=#FF6347:8af8b6ae99]o[color=#FF422F:8af8b6ae99]o[color=#FF2118:8af8b6ae99]o[color=#FF0000:8af8b6ae99]t