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The game that will own all

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 8:07 pm
by DesuMacchi

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 10:07 pm
by DaikatanaGenshu
Errrrrrrm.....not working.......but either way I've heard of that, and looks damn good I must say....

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 10:13 pm
by DesuMacchi
Errrrrrrm.....not working.......but either way I've heard of that, and looks damn good I must say....ummm, they work i just tried it againIts Ninja Gaiden :)

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 11:05 pm
by {FoU}Shatterstar
Looks good. When is the release date?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 11:41 pm
by Darth Bob
bah i can think of one game that owns that, its called

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 2:19 am
by Evangelion
I am actually gonna say that Ninja Gaiden will be one of the rare times where there is a good game released for the XBOX...

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 2:28 am
by HanK
The you would obviously be wrong. Even you, a person who for some reason has some twisted grudge against the Xbox, have to admit that it has the most good releases coming out from now all through next year.

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 2:35 am
by DesuMacchi
The you would obviously be wrong. Even you, a person who for some reason has some twisted grudge against the Xbox, have to admit that it has the most good releases coming out from now all through next year.TRUE DAT!ALot of nice releases coming out this year and begining of next !!! I cant wait!

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 2:57 am
by Evangelion
The you would obviously be wrong. Even you, a person who for some reason has some twisted grudge against the Xbox, have to admit that it has the most good releases coming out from now all through next year.All depends on what kind of games you like...

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 4:57 am
by HanK
OK, I'll rephrase it.If you like good games, then the Xbox is the thing to have for the next year or so at least. :wink: