holocrons, holos holos holos and more holos
holocrons, holos holos holos and more holos
got a lotta info. Ok now everyone wants a holocron right am i not correct? Well mostly all of us anyway. And everyone of course knows that the DT spawns are always camped and the dantooine cave slaughters us. Well u guys might want to try some missions on corellia. Go to coronet and then to the capitol. Go insdie and look around for Irenez. After you do her 3 missions go in the room behind her and do Garm Bel Iblis' missions up until u get up to dark trooper missions. Then just kill the troopers and not the commander and keep aborting. Courtesy of sauron. Another idea is just go to the DT bunker when nobody is there and do it then but it gets too hard when u have the whole base aggrod on you. So if u guys have any ideas on better ways to find a holo post here. I was also thinking to orgainzie lots of us and go to the dt bunker. We would have to do it like 1 or 2 am or early in the morning any american time because thats the time that most people wouldn't be on radiant. So hows friday night 1 am east? IDK yet i just want to organzie something succesful.
If you're fresh, you're clean.
I read it from the SWG forums btw.Yesterday I got 2 holocrons from the dt bunker on Naboo Me and my 2 pets (a tmb and a gw) cleared about 60% of the rooms and then some girl came and we killed the other rooms' imps together (the lobby, the troopers' quarters, the storage area and the 2 side rooms of it.)I have 4 holos atm and I'm gonna get 1 or 2 more. Need money if I'm gonna get the fs slot and build up my jedi
cal gave me one today and guess what it said? Master Weaponsmith. I think thats a good thing because he told me the holos give out the professions u need to learn in alphabetical order based on the skills/professions you know or have learned in the past. The professions i have or have had before are artisian smuggler architect weaponsmith marksman brawler tka commando medic pistoleer scout thats quite a lot so i could've alredy gotten some of what u need for a jedi in so im hoping i get it when i get ws!
If you're fresh, you're clean.