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Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 4:06 am
by {FoU}Shatterstar
not sure if this has been posted or not. I got this game yesterday for Xbox. It seems to be pretty fun, the onlt thing is the story line at the begining is like Bourne Identity. any thoughts

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 6:25 am
by Christian
i got it today and i must say it's a better game than what the reviews say. i tried X-Box Live out with this and it was pretty cool. i'll play it and beat it but i'll trade it in when Halo 2 comes out. hell, Halo 1 might be getting traded in for #2 :PXIII is a very good game though. anyone with Xbox Live, it's a must have. everyone else, it's a good single player game but make sure you have people to do deathmatch with (basically, just like every other FPS on the market, lol).

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 3:17 pm
by DaikatanaGenshu
anyone with Xbox Live, it's a must have.Orrrrr if you have it on PC....... :wink:

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 3:37 pm
by Christian
ok, oversight, shut it. i was tired biatch :P

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 8:06 pm
by LukeN
when playing 13 on x-live or the pc do you get your own screen instead of there being the traditional 4 player deathmach screen?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 9:29 pm
by CrazyTom
luken thats the greatest banner ive seen in a long long time

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 4:39 pm
by Christian
own screen Luke.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:41 pm
by LukeN
thx. now i might concider getting an x-box and x-live.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:23 am
by HanK
That was all that was holding you back? Wow.

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:29 am
by DesuMacchi
That was all that was holding you back? Wow.LMAO!!!That what I was thinking.