the April 15 release date has been held back the new date has not yet been released ... i am guessing 2 to 3 monthsthe good out of this is we will probably be able to make a city right offthe bat and we will get vehicles (i am hoping)
very tru much as we would not like to admit it...our jk2 days will be shorter...and for some...non existent when swg comes out.....alot of time and effort will have to go in to swg...but i hope that we can all visit this game even after the official realease of swg.
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS NOT TRUE I WONT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
damn.....ah well. if it's like yoda said, then all is good but you're wrong about jkii. i aint leaving it because guys like Ardy and Tib will still be involved that won't be making the Galaxies trip.