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Check this out PEEPS!!
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:09 am
by DesuMacchi
Ok here is the files you need to see this demo I just recorded the zip is a pk3 and a demo file.In your Main folder make a fodler called demos, put the demo file in that folder.the pk3 just put in your main CoD, bring down console and type /demo 1and sit back and enjoy the sick mind of DesuMAcchi!DOOOO EEEEEETTT!! It isnt that hard!
Re: Check this out PEEPS!!
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:10 am
by DesuMacchi
Ok here is the files you need to see this demo I just recorded the zip is a pk3 and a demo file.In your Main folder make a fodler called demos, put the demo file in that folder.the pk3 just put in your main CoD, bring down console and type /demo 1and sit back and enjoy the sick mind of DesuMAcchi!DOOOO EEEEEETTT!! It isnt that hard!when you are done watching take that pk3 file out of your folder so you can connect to servers
Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:20 am
by Evangelion
You sick bastard you.Sweet.