Or if your not using your lots, have an artisan survey for a resource, then set up harvestors, and sell what ya get, for lots of money. MIssions work too
I remember back in the day on dathomir, biz natches were non-aggro and they couldnt catch you. So for 15k a pop, you just run around in circles around the lair and blow it up while they all try to catch you. that was easy $$, then they changed them aggro and made ALL lairs have like 4 times their hit points.
Um....I dunno about you ppl, but usually I do BH missions....16k per bounty. Hm....throw in all the costs, it all varies how much you get. I usually pay 5-6k for buffs, then like maybe around 1.5k for travel. First mission you do should only be around 9-10k profit, but it gets better after that if you choose to continue.