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Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 1:03 am
by Terras Kasi
alright im tired of typing someone else gets to tell the story this time...i pwned stinks, nevets, and cindyCalvus and gramps you fuck nuts need to stop reviving old threads... and spamming pointlessness :P :P :P :P alright someone type up the story

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:40 am
by MasteredCloud
Terras the imp pwner....oh look, it's Faye over there :)


Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:42 am
by gramps
pretty popular topic u got going hur. I post out of pure pity. FUCKNUT! lol :D (cool word man really!)

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:51 am
by CrazyTom
alright terras, so i go into coronet and bam i see cypher owned on the ground, the end

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 4:15 am
by Terras Kasi
tom if you had stayed longer you would have seen tons of malas pwned faye pwned and more stupid imps pwned

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 5:23 am
by Euca
tom if you had stayed longer you would have seen tons of malas pwned faye pwned and more stupid imps pwnedAHEM! And WHO was it who went Overt to help you even be able to ATTACK Faye? hint hint, his name starts with an E...EUCA!!!! 8)

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:56 pm
by Terras Kasi
yeah iwasgonna give you cedit buti had to rush out the door to go to dinner

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:56 pm
by Terras Kasi
oh yeah and euca was a big ass help... without him faye woulda owned us all

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 7:32 pm
by Juggalo
nice double post noob! Try finding the edit button :twisted:

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 7:37 pm
by Calvin
Here's my story. I take my jedi into malas city and rip them a new asshole....the end.