Fat-WhoreChubby Mac Chub ChubBinksKinksStanksStoonksTeddyMonkeyPillsbary DoughboySir HumpsalotBob Thy FatsoHigamagaday (pronouced HIG-A-MUG-A-DAY)HamanaPoopkar (ehehe)Acue (my name backwards
)Olagguj (juggs name backwards
)Ettelagguj (juggs' other name backwards
)'Rehpyc (Cyph's name backwards
)Rakbob (Bobs name backwards
)Kocl 'Erbas (Your name backwards
)Sarret Isak (Terras' name backwards
)Siseneg (Genesis' name backwards :lol )Eegyak (Kaygee's name backwards
)Oraboh EittocS (Hobs' name backwards
)Landnav Krof (Vandal's name backwards
)Zubej (Jebuz's name backwards
)Ohwssueg (GW's name backwards
)Tegdimohcysp (Midget's name backwards
)Uhs (Shu's name backwards
)Glok Xel'rC (Kolg's name backwards
)'OradnE (Endaro's name backwards
)'yetihw (whitey's name backwards
)Anubis UtyuohC (Sibuna aka Anus's name backwards
and it spells Anubis...imagine that
)DeraJ (Jared's name backwards
)Yuggh (Huggy aka Hank's name backwards
)LLeb Ocat (Taco's name backwards
)Epans (Snape's name backwards
)Accabwehc (Chewbacca's name backwards
)Sir Humps a LotPoopin ShnoopPot Belly TeddyStormin MorminFlamin FagooshEkilakashaga Baroshaka tak takGhandiEuprahtesZeuss or Zues, but Zeuss is coolerFluke MarconianZepta HugsWookie LegsSAMURAI JACKBUBBLESBLOSSOMBUTTERCUPDexCaviRoastChickenSteak'nFriesPoopinShnoopA.J Johnsen - from Halo! lol. 'Cept that's a better name for a human or something.Eeikoow ChuobaRudolphDora the Explora!Gringo ShtomperPwn0zing wookieWookie RapistWeEdoKalaButt PirateDietzJohnnyThyHumpSavingPrivateWooksSir Wooks a lotCheWeedI could come up with a lot more, but I think these are adequete choices for now. 8)