I just downloaded some skins, (Snapes, steps, mush's, the camo one, and dai's) And they are awesome...the best would have to be mussi's though ...just curious how u make them, or if there is a program to do it...and if theres anyways possible i could get one made for meh!
1 THE TOOLS:The first thing you want to do is download; WinZip, Pakscape, a good image editor(not MS paint)I'm pretty sure you have WinZip, you can get Pakscape at JK2files.com, and a good image editor you can buy at some software placelike circuit city.2 UNPACKAGING:so, now let's begin! go into your base directory for Jk2 (default in C:/Program Files/LucasArts/Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast/Gamedata/base)and in there find a file named assets0.pk3, open it with WinZip (Right click, Open With, then find WinZip on your PC, you can also use Pakscape)ok, there's a lot of stuff in here huh? so what model do you want to skin? lets pick the Luke model.scroll down and find the Luke stuff, under the file path collum it should say /modes/players/Luke, you want all the files there, so highlight them all and go to extractyou want to extract everything into the base folder, so do so. Now there should be a new folder called 'Models' in base, open this folder then go into 'Players' and then, This might seem crazy, but most of us are. Rename the Luke folder to, lets say 'John'2 SKINNING:Now! lets get skinning! open the images in the new John folder into your good image editor, and then start customizing the jpegs. Yes I know everything looks weird, but just start drawing = Dthere's a file called Icon_default, we want to change that so it looks like your skin, for now lets just put the text 'John' over Luke's faceok, got everything you want done? save everything, then open the Model_Default.skin in Notepad(I'm sure you have this program already) and rename every single Luke to John, other wise your skin won't use your textures, it'll use Luke's. Now save the Model_default.skin3 PACKAGING:now we're ready to package! open Pakscape and go to File then New. A box will open, now drag the 'models' folder from base into Pakscape and then it will copy everything into pakscape.now go to File>Save As then save it as John and as file type pick pk3 and save it into your base folder.4 PLAYING WITH YOUR SKIN:now...let's load up Jk2! and lets look at your skin!where you pick the skins that came with the game or you downloaded there will be an icon that says 'John' on it, if you were following my steps correctlynow simply join and Viola! you have created your first skin for Jk2! add more detail or pick a different model to skin and add more detail and maybe a better Icon_Default. Soon you will become a good skinner for JK2: Jedi Outcast!i stole that from somewhere, but theres the whole thing
yeah but snape's skin is got that 'boing' thing i luv that boing btw about assets777...i think u should put in on the server, its good instead of downloading all skins in multiple files
at copying at pasting text well done :oops:Lol! good try on sucking up zippo. hit and miss. thumbs up on the brown-nosing Zippo my man! ___ | | | | | | | |_________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ______________