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Anubis angry because I won't fluff his ego. Good bye guys...

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 8:00 am
by Genesis
Gonna miss ya all, been great having you guys around. Hope you guys see Anubis isn't always right, and he infact manipulates the situation. Bye!, aka Jeremiah

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 8:11 am
by Snape
Can I have the tree? :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 8:59 am
by Genesis
Can I have the tree? :lol:heh... yeah cus Jace was handing the cities mall back over and he wanted a tree I think. Anyhow the real bread and butter of this issue is some of the FoU mates apparently don't like me. That is understandable I suppose. I don't hate you guys at all for that. Personalities can be aquired taste, or never aquired. People such as Genshu or Endaro, I don't know what I might have ever done to you guys to make you hate me. Anubis says *Everyone* think's I treat them like shit... I fail to see this, I really do.Sure I am overbearing at sometimes, why? I hate to use this wild card, but City of Rage is my city... I bust my ass making it as good as it is, I spend hours each day keeping stuff up. I don't see Genshu spending 8,000,000 of his own credits building a city from the ground up. I maintain and fund most this city and I ask for NOTHING in return. 5 months ago if you visited that spot there was nothing but dirt. Now it is one of the most organized and respected cities in the game. This was never a me vs FoU or Rage vs FoU thing. NEVER. It was about a city I built and wanted to share it with my friends. I consider Cypher' one of my best friends in the game, and he told me him and his guildmates wanted to join a city. It's history from there. I honestly do not see what I have done that is so bad?I have two characters I play almost equally. When I am on Spardok I am all about PvP and kicking ass... when I am on Genesis I am all about the city and non-combat stuff. When people suggest stuff for the city or ideas if it's within reason and makes the city better, I do it. I am sorry if it doesn't suit everyone perfectaly 100% of the time, but that's life... You can never make everyone happy.I am one of the most generous people in the game. Sure I am sick of hearing beggers, and ignore a lot of the "chairity" request. I have worked hard for what I have gotten. But I give where I feel it is needed. And Cypher's is even a more generous person than I am. How many of you got hand outs from him??? Without him, I hate to say a lot of you would be starving in this game. I too have given out donations to some, but not nearly as liberal as Cypher'... not because I'm a tight ass, but because someone has to continue to feed the city money. I only wish people would understand that. I am not sure why people think I owe them something.I also don't appreciate Anus for manipulating the situation... some of the stuff he has told me is plain false. Cypher' is talking to me on AIM right now, he does not hate me as he suggested, as well as many others. I am a very cut and dry person... I don't like to be lied to, don't like the drama, don't like to be dicked around. I'm not into the immature game playing. If you guys wanna leave the city over some personal cliqs you might have with me, thats fine. So be it... But confronting me personally with issues you may have with me would have been the smart thing to do. Naboo and Corellia are both capped on cities... if you guys have asperations of forming your own city, I wish you all the luck... but don't be discouraged when you find out the city cost 300-500k a week, takes a huge amount of time to maintain, politician xp is the slowest profession to get, you are constantly contending with city problems like lost citizens, decaying structures... and shuttleport you won't have, because those are also capped. And what happens when your own mates get tired of the game and move on, the ones left get stuck with an even harder time coping. Maybe until you are really in my shoes do you respect the amount of work, time, and effort I put into it all. I'm not being paid to play this game, I do this because I enjoy it.And if you plan to join another city, it won't be any different... all the mayors put a huge amount of time and money into their city, and you are going to have to losely conform to their ideas too.As I have said in the ingame email, some have expressed desire to stay... I am okay with that, and I am not going to kick people out. But for those who have made up their mind, let's get it over with. Please read the ingame email about redeeding. If you brought your own house into the mix, obviously its yours... and no way can I make you give back the house I gave most of you, but it's appreciated as I need to have some houses to give out to new citizens to fill the void.This is my only chance to really communicate since the thread is private and it's a biased discussion. So with that, I am getting off my soap box.I will miss you all, but not going to lose sleep over it... Bye guys!Genesis

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:16 pm
by DaikatanaGenshu
Damn, where should I start....People such as Genshu or Endaro, I don't know what I might have ever done to you guys to make you hate me.Not so much what you DID do, but what you DIDN'T do. Or better yet what you didn't recognize. As quoted here:I don't see Genshu spending 8,000,000 of his own credits building a city from the ground up.Of course not, probably cause, I didn't WANT to? No one FORCED you to put up Rage, no one FORCED you to get two separate accounts just so you could use one for politician. Also.....I hate to use this wild card, but City of Rage is my city... I bust my ass making it as good as it is, I spend hours each day keeping stuff up. Yea, that's a wild card alright. I don't wanna give anymore disrespect than is due to you, but (at least in my opinion), who do you think you are saying something like that? You say that Rage is finished because you won't have enough people in it to keep it at city status. So in other words, we own that city just as much as you do. We can either make it, or break it.I honestly didn't think you were all bad though. I will give credit where credit is due, you did many good things for our guild, and I'm not saying they aren't appreciated, it's just more of a "bad outweighs the good" type thing.But just to be honest and not cover anything up, I was considering moving out of Rage long before this whole thing started. Anubis is right, tat can only offer so much before you start to say to yourself, "What else can this game offer me"? Personally, I would like to find out, and staying in Rage forever won't give me that.If you decide to just give up and disband Rage, then that's your decision. I wish you luck with whatever endeavour you embark upon, just know that I won't be a part of it.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:21 pm
by DesuMacchi
Damn, where should I start....People such as Genshu or Endaro, I don't know what I might have ever done to you guys to make you hate me.Not so much what you DID do, but what you DIDN'T do. Or better yet what you didn't recognize. As quoted here:I don't see Genshu spending 8,000,000 of his own credits building a city from the ground up.Of course not, probably cause, I didn't WANT to? No one FORCED you to put up Rage, no one FORCED you to get two separate accounts just so you could use one for politician. Also.....I hate to use this wild card, but City of Rage is my city... I bust my ass making it as good as it is, I spend hours each day keeping stuff up. Yea, that's a wild card alright. I don't wanna give anymore disrespect than is due to you, but (at least in my opinion), who do you think you are saying something like that? You say that Rage is finished because you won't have enough people in it to keep it at city status. So in other words, we own that city just as much as you do. We can either make it, or break it.I honestly didn't think you were all bad though. I will give credit where credit is due, you did many good things for our guild, and I'm not saying they aren't appreciated, it's just more of a "bad outweighs the good" type thing.But just to be honest and not cover anything up, I was considering moving out of Rage long before this whole thing started. Anubis is right, tat can only offer so much before you start to say to yourself, "What else can this game offer me"? Personally, I would like to find out, and staying in Rage forever won't give me that.If you decide to just give up and disband Rage, then that's your decision. I wish you luck with whatever endeavour you embark upon, just know that I won't be a part of it.That is some yellow stance JKA shit right there!GJ Dai!

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:44 pm
by Juggalo
LOL dessy....yellow stance pwns

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 7:59 pm
by Genesis
Damn, where should I start....People such as Genshu or Endaro, I don't know what I might have ever done to you guys to make you hate me.Not so much what you DID do, but what you DIDN'T do. Or better yet what you didn't recognize. As quoted here:I don't see Genshu spending 8,000,000 of his own credits building a city from the ground up.Of course not, probably cause, I didn't WANT to? No one FORCED you to put up Rage, no one FORCED you to get two separate accounts just so you could use one for politician. Also.....I hate to use this wild card, but City of Rage is my city... I bust my ass making it as good as it is, I spend hours each day keeping stuff up. Yea, that's a wild card alright. I don't wanna give anymore disrespect than is due to you, but (at least in my opinion), who do you think you are saying something like that? You say that Rage is finished because you won't have enough people in it to keep it at city status. So in other words, we own that city just as much as you do. We can either make it, or break it.I honestly didn't think you were all bad though. I will give credit where credit is due, you did many good things for our guild, and I'm not saying they aren't appreciated, it's just more of a "bad outweighs the good" type thing.But just to be honest and not cover anything up, I was considering moving out of Rage long before this whole thing started. Anubis is right, tat can only offer so much before you start to say to yourself, "What else can this game offer me"? Personally, I would like to find out, and staying in Rage forever won't give me that.If you decide to just give up and disband Rage, then that's your decision. I wish you luck with whatever endeavour you embark upon, just know that I won't be a part of it.There is no reason to disband the city. The city is fine. You do what you guys need to. That's all I am going to say anymore. Bye

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 8:41 pm
by jacen
Well im going away with everyone else to wherever they go weeeeeeeee. lol. Genesis did some really cool stuff. Like he paid maint on my house a lot. I appreciate that but it was also the mall... lol. well i suppose im siding with dai on this one. He had some pretty good points there. I was personally getting a bit bored of tat myself. Well it was fun... at times. i dont think ill ever be going back to tat much unless its for a dungeon or to raid bestine... well we goin our own way now so cya.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 8:48 pm
by hota
Go cry in a corner or somting.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 8:58 pm
by Anubis
ok genesis im tired of this.i never manipultaed anything here, i was told by EVERYONE that joined that revolution thing that i said it was cool and that i was disbanding FoU to join it...this is not so i would never leave, i dont care if i was the only member thats how much the clan means to me.please, tell me one thing i manipulated, please, id like to prove you wrong.and cyph im sry to call you out, but u cant appeal to all people believe me ive tried. you said on vent you were tired of genesis and that u just wanna break it where have i ever said im always right, i dont have a god complex like you do. u say about how you dont know what u have done...i hear from practically everyone that u have been completely disrespectful to them. what am i to do when 98 percent of the clan says you have been an ass to them telling them to stfu or fuck off. and about the "wild card" about the cityt being yours, thats right, it is yours, did we ever tell u how to run it?! no. we had nothing wrong with that, and we constantly bended over just to make you happy with your city.the thing that is our biggest problem, is u couldnt give a shit about anyone in FoU aside from me and cypher cause we hold power...everyone feels like u treat them as a number, just another citizen. and thats why i was surprised when they said u were being an ass cause u weren't to me, but they would always come back, thats just cause u hold for being generous, who hasnt in this game. i dont see ho u ould use that when basically everyone here has ben generous in some way or fashion...o and i havent gotten back on, but if u did report me for being vulgar, i not only have true screens of the convo, but i have screens of you using many exploits in the game that could get u equally in trouble.