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A plea from yours truly
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 1:40 am
by DaikatanaGenshu
Over the past few weeks, quite a few of us have been moving to the Lineage 2 beta, which is fine with me, you guys do what you feel like. But a problem has arisen within that long forgotten universe of Star Wars Galaxies.For those of you that don't remember what happened after we decided as a whole guild to move out of Rage and start our own area, we had found a nice quaint little place on Naboo, just south of Kadaara upon which we could start building our empire. However, it's been getting harder and harder to build said empire without people playing. In fact, for about 2 minutes, hobar and I were considering joining another guild, simpley because there are only about 5 of us left that play on a daily basis. When I brought this up with juggs, he promptly responded, "what about the city that we all worked so hard to start?" In fact, ever since we embarked on this city, juggs has had my utmost respect, simply because he's been with this whole thing from the start and has supported it the most. He even set up one of his alts to perform AFK musician buffs. So for this, I give him props.I'm not asking everyone to just drop Lineage and come back to SWG, but I'll leave you to do what you feel is right. Those of us left REALLY want this city to flourish, but we need your help to make it happen.**EDITED FROM PREVIOUS POST**
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 1:48 am
by MasteredCloud
Hey, I play too! Wait....let me reread that. Oh....I see
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 1:57 am
by Kamm
When Dai, I know I can't do this tonight but perhaps tomorrow, Wednesday.
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 2:04 am
by DaikatanaGenshu
Hey, I play too! Wait....let me reread that. Oh....I see :xHeh, sorry 'bout that. o_OBut in all seriousness, this is more than a plea for people to just come back to the fact juggs, hobar, and I were talking tonight and I'm going to edit my post to make it say what I really want it to say, balls out, hiding nothing. Please check it after I'm done doing so.
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 3:38 am
by Darth Bob
ive had little time to play either game and i havent played lineage much at all. and with my school trip comin up ill have less time but we only have 1 month left before Xams then its SUMMER
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 4:08 am
by Shadow
Lineage 2 is simply put, a really really really outdated MMORPG wrapped in a pretty graphical paper. Everything about it screams 1990s. And yet it STILL manages to be more fun then SWG will ever be. I wont buy Lineage 2, but I wont waste another monthly fee on a game that is plainly NOT FUN. Im waiting for Everquest 2 lol.
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:43 am
by Snape
I think we only need 1 more resident to put our name on the map and have our own shuttleport.
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 6:42 am
by kazr
Time for you wiggers to move to Ahazi and join the Empire.
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 7:19 am
by Cypher
Lineage 2 is simply put, a really really really outdated MMORPG wrapped in a pretty graphical paper. Everything about it screams 1990s. And yet it STILL manages to be more fun then SWG will ever be. I wont buy Lineage 2, but I wont waste another monthly fee on a game that is plainly NOT FUN. Im waiting for Everquest 2 lol.I'm Most likley going to buy lineage 2, not sure tho. I'm waiting for EQ 2 aswell.
Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 10:48 am
by Terras Kasi
yeah im prolly gonna play lineage 2 when it coms aout as well i will play it till eq2 comes and kicks everyone's ass