KILLER quest for LEVELING UP!!!!
Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 10:47 pm
Ok... in Breth, go see the captain - who will give you a reconaissance report... you have to find the spy, and then kill 5 human guards..WOO HOO... to get 5 mapsRETURN the maps to the captain, and get 368,000 EXPERIENCE POINTS! IT gave me 1.5 levels with my rogue.BUT...1) only for level 30 and above (you can get it before 30, but you wont get the exp points until you are level 30)2) GO WITH MORE THAN ONE PERSON - those humans are a pain in the ass... I teamed with a priest, and my rogue archer.. still almost killed my butt way too many times!3)I need to complete the quest with my priest, but i need a good fighter or two to get it done! any takers?-Zman