Shadows method of testing people for their true colors - Come into serverGet them madWatch their responsesAnima - True color = AsshatQuite amazing how quickly somebody loses that sugar coating they use to try and get into a clan when they are mad. Not only is he a racist but the sheer stupidity overwhelmed me. Maybe you should join MotF like you said, since I make the clan look so bad. There are plenty of people there who have something against Israel as well. I know you thought that getting into FoU would be easy for you, but even if I had not lifted your little outer layer your chances of getting in would be exactly 0.000000 (reapeating). Anyways good job asshat. TALLY HO!!!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis ad capul tuum saxum immane mittam.
They called him Pre. The man who ran like fire every day, every race, wire to wire. The man who caused people to stop and say, I've never seen anyone run like that before. A runner who never paced himself, slowed down or quit. But Pre wasn't a runner.
They called him Pre. The man who ran like fire every day, every race, wire to wire. The man who caused people to stop and say, I've never seen anyone run like that before. A runner who never paced himself, slowed down or quit. But Pre wasn't a runner.
Shadows method of testing people for their true colors - Come into serverGet them madWatch their responsesLOL, Now I know why you did that to me before I joined. I never got mad I just tried to get even. That's kind of a cruel way of testing someone but whatever turns u on i guess.