Server Rules
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 5:05 pm
Ok here they are boys and girls. These rules are only up for discussion within my server staff, everyone else please either adbid by them or don't play. Just had to get that out. they are.1. No Saber Down Killing2. No Racism3. No Spam Bindings or TK Spamming4. No Scripts5. No Duel Interference6. Exploits7. No Name & Tag Stealing8. No Hac*ing or Galak Meching9. No Bunny Hoping Faster Than 65 MPHRule 1-SABER DOWN KILLING OR LAMING The Saber Down Rule. Saber Down killing happens wether intential or by accident. For the most part I and other admins will let this go. The only times that we will persue someone who is saber down killing is in these cases...A. The person who is getting harassed steps forward and askes an admin (privately) to tell the aggressor to stop killing them saber down. B. If the server is in a calm state and you or you and someone else starts getting into a fight that interfers with the good times of other players in the server, you or both of you will be kicked from the server to prevent a large scale ffa. C. If other, more serious rules are being broken, I or an other admin will kick or ban you and also take down the saber down killing offense into account when they make their reports to me. Basically. If you get saber down killed you have two choices...fight back and just keep it clear from other non-fighting players. Or tell an admin and an admin will review the problem. The saber down rule is not enforced in a full out live Capture the Flag game. But as always if an admin tells you stop it, adbid by the rules or face punishment. Rule 2-LANGUAGE/ATTITUDE- We do allow pretty much all swears like f*ck, a**, b*tch and so on, on this server. What we do not allow are these words...Harassing other plays is allowed if both players are just going at it and not bothering anyone else. Although of course if an admin says cut it out, please do like wise. What we NOT RACISM - Racism is an automatic Ban. If you want to fight this ban please Private message me and do not post the thread about it on these forums. Words like Ni**er, Ch*nk or any other words that are negative towards other races are strictly forbinden. Also if you are banned from other servers for it, exspect to Black Listed/ Banned from this server as well.The word Jew though, since some clans have encouraged the use of it in JK2 will be delt with to a lesser degree, since its so part of many people's vocabulary. If you use the word like ''Oh you jew!'', admins or other fou members will ask you to stop. If you don't, an admin will kick you. Come back and say it some more, we will ban u. Just keep that word away from this or any other FoU server. Rule 3- NO SPAMMING BINDS OR TK SPAMMING No spamming binds in the console. We will ask you to stop and if you don't see it in time we will kick you from the server. Kill Trackers are allowed but only to the point where they become too annoying, if an admin tells you to turn it off, please do. If you don't you will be kicked.Rule 4-NO SCRIPTSNo scripts. If we suspect you are using scripts, (or any other cheats for that matter), you will be asked not to. If you continue to use them, you will be kicked or banned.Rule 5- No DUEL INTERFERENCE No interfering with duels. This means, stay out of the way of duelists and do not try to distract someone while they are dueling. If you are in the way of a duel, expect to be forcibly moved by an admin. If you are interfering with a duel, you will be kicked from the server. This goes for FFA mode. Push and Pull Fights are not considered offical duels. Though if the server is in the state where the majority of people are having p/p and ff fights, I or other admins will see to it that inference stays clear of it. Now I can't promise that of course, but I can promise you that I will see to it that I will try to make everyone as happy as I possiably can make them. Rule 6 EXPLOITS- Pretty much everything is allowed in game play exspect...scripts of course. Though during CTF, using some spots of the map for hiding or camping if generally forbinden but up to the admin to take action. Other than...just don't drain whore people then call them noobs...stuff like that. Hehe...This rule goes for Flag Carriers. If you are looking to just chat and get away from the action, its fine to uses ledges. Rule 7 NO NAME & TAG STEALING Now this one is simple. Don't impersonate or steal people's clan tags without the person being in the server with you. Of course even if the person is with you and he or she doesn't like it, I or another admin will first warn you then just flat out Ban you, cause we protect people's reputations here. Same goes for clans, if you are caught wearing a clan tag, escpeically FoU's and your not in FoU...ya...YA BANNED. Except Agito's Tag...I will turn the other cheek on that one. Rule 8 NO Hac*ing OR GALAK MECHING Yea this one is a sweet rule because I can actually get you arrested if I catch you doing this in the server. Believe me I will find you and shove bagel bites down your throat till you cry tomato sauce...So No Crashing. Causes its an internationl offense. PS I can't say hac* for some reason...ummm internet secuirty...Rule 9 NO BUNNY HOPING OVER 65 MPH/80 KPH Don't try it...we got unmarked admins with radar guns all up and down the ctf_yavin interstate and they are just itchen to slam people with speeding tickets...Well thats pretty much it. Just remeber...Admins have the right to determine whether or not you have broken the rules. An admin's decision is final, regardless of whether you think the decision is stupid or not...You may be given a warning if you break the rules. Failure to comply will result in your being kicked, and possibly banned. Any disagreements please file them directly to me through Private Messages on these forums. NOT AOL. Other than that...just stay fresh and so clean...Enjoy the server as always feed back is always welcome to me. Thanks.