I registered the team, but I'm waiting to get people signed up before joining a ladder (it might also be a good idea to get some practice in first). 6v6 TDM is going to be tough with only a grand total of six members in the clan. We need to see about getting more people (Midget, Tom, Cypher, etc.) or we might have to go with 4v4.Go register at
www.teamwarfare.org if you haven't already (feel free to use your old FSB login) then search for Happy Campers and join up. The password is hcdizzleAt some point before we start competing, everyone will also need to fill in the Punkbuster GUID (get it by connecting to a server running Punkbuster and typing /pb_list into the console), but it's not somethnig you have to have in order to join the team, just something you will have to get before you can compete.So far as people registering goes, we should have:HuggyEnderMilkHobarJacenRed (did he ever get his virus stuff sorted out?)Gilgamesh maybeI'd say if you run into Midget or Tom you should definitely try to get them to join up.

Is anyone capable of hosting a Ventrilo server for us to use? If paying for it is an issue, I'll be glad to chip in.Alrighty then, we should be all set, if you have any trouble joining up or anything let us know here.