Metallica Concert

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Metallica Concert

Post by Kamm »

Yeah. So yesterday I went to a concert at teh Wachovia center with Metallica and Godsmack opening.Godsmack was good, I liked all the songs they played, some cool instrumental ones. Metallica... I didn't like the start of their part because they played St. Anger songs... which... IMO are teh sux. Then it got a lot better when they started playing older songs. One. The presentation to that song was AWESOME. They had some voice talkin, then gun and bomb sounds going off. The bomb sounds literally shook the whole place it was so loud. They had effects to look like explosions up near the lights above the stage and they had the things come down like they were being destroyed. When he says "Landmine! Has taken..." there was a loud explosion from the stage. Yeah, that part was uber.Then for the song Fuel, Hetfield said "Give me an M..." and so on until he got to the second L and then opened up for that song.We were getting ready to leave (because we took a Limo-Bus thing with a bunch of friends) to beat the rush, when my mom heard the opening to Seek and Destroy and was like LOLOMGWTF I GOTTA GO SEE THIS. She said that was one of the reasons she wanted to go was to hear that and Whiplash (which they didn't play :( )All in all, it was a pretty good concert, except for the St. Anger part. :buttrock: :rock: :buttrock: :rock: :buttrock:
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Post by DaikatanaGenshu »

PLEASE tell me they played some of their good shit like Master of Puppets and The Unforgiven.
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Post by Evangelion »

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Post by Kamm »

PLEASE tell me they played some of their good shit like Master of Puppets and The Unforgiven.Yeah, I was like LOLWEWT when they played Master of Puppets.They played that,Nothing Else Matters,One,Enter Sandman,Seek and Destroy,Sad but True,Fuel,and more but I don't remember what they were.Godsmack playedI Stand AloneKeep AwayVoodoo(2 AWESOME instrumental tracks)WhateverKeep Awayand maybe one more, but I also don't remember.[size=20:b5a9da9a68]Evan, get out of this thread[/size:b5a9da9a68]
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Post by ErBSMoKAh »

My ex-girlfriend is going to the metallica concert next week... Metallica can lick my nads..I'm going to the beastie boys concert in november. That will be fun :)
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Post by tiberius »

metallica can kick ass..........but agree that the St Anger trash is really bad, wish they would drop it!!omfg.........beastie barfs......................erby really!!!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Post by DaikatanaGenshu »

metallica can kick ass..........but agree that the St Anger trash is really bad, wish they would drop it!!Wurd tib, Sanitarium fo' life!
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Post by Kamm »

metallica can kick ass..........but agree that the St Anger trash is really bad, wish they would drop it!!Wurd tib, Sanitarium fo' life!They played that song, Dai.
Darth Bob
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Post by Darth Bob »

metallica had a concert here a couple days ago. those commercials annoyed me, because they aired them like 6 times every half still upset because ive missed the TMBG concert that was on july 23rd, and the Weird Al one on sept 2.
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Post by ErBSMoKAh »

Hey Tibby, The B-Boys are good. But, I don't expect you to like them.. You probably listen to Zeppelin and Hendrix... You know.. Music from when you were 20... ish...And Im not gonna lie, Zeppelin and Hendrix RoxXoRz
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