Story of the day thread

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Story of the day thread

Post by Pain-Killer »

Yup everyone post his story everyday in here,k?you can also post a screenshot.i start.Today i was going for a treasure with baney boy.The treasure was shit lol.2 swords,1e11rifle,1cdefcarbine/pistole/rifle.After that we decided to visit a rebel outpost for a badge.You must know im an imp :/.well they didnt attack me and could earn the badge.I said to Bane: "Hey,waddoya think how long it will those rebs take to kill me??I had 1 more free clone action,so why not?he said: "Lol!do it!"I went inside and targeted a turret.You must know,the turret had 10k hp so i had no chance.Baam i shot it.Suddenly the radar turned into 1 red big spot and bam bam bam every reb ran to me and shot me.Finally a turret killed me and slayed me ( dont ask me how a turet can slay me )Guess how long it took the rebs to kill me?about 0.01 its your turn(forgot to take a screenshot of that moment,but chose another one.)
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Post by MasteredCloud »

Hmmm....lets see... I went to Dant this morning to get some money and decided to go overt and get the 1 hr timer for covert....came across some tefed TKM, but hesitated to attack because I had someone that needed some teaching coming to me atm. Then, after the teaching the guy fled when he saw I had a "reinforcement" and I proceeded to chase, managing to fire off a shot. He rode on his swoop away, and by the time I caught up to him he was no longer attackable for me. Unfortunatly, he walked right up to me and KD/Dizzied me, but I managed to shoot him once and stuck a poison onto him. He proceeded to UH3 spam, not even knowing that his mind was going down....I simply got up, did a KD/Dizzy of my own and Eye shot him to hellLike 20 min later, I found a fencer who was also tefed from killing NPC rebels, and I kited her around while the other NPCs were shooting....the NPCs deathblew her though
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Post by gramps »

I actually have 2 stories... and both of them are with this guy i used to play with on kettemoor in real life last summer. (my pre-fou days *sniff* memories* :roll: :D )anyhoo.Story 1: My friend's name was BongA in game, and he was leet as shit. He was one of the first people to get his jedi, back when it was really hard and yadda yadda. So he meets this guy one day named MeepX who is this total asshole, but really funny guy. MeepX was this wookie, and since my friend Bonga reserrected him he had to follow him for a day or whatever. So they were talking and getting to know each other. They became good friends.. made guilds... and whatnot. Well as it turns out, Meep was really really good at computers. Good enough to hack. So meep was in this clan, and they kicked him out for no reason, becasue they hated him, and he was so mad he vowed to never be in a true clan again, and he went to their forums and turned everything into these pictures of penises.But thats not the story. So in game, Meep was crazy. He somehow got his hands on a developer's account and he knew all of the stuff. Whenever someone scrolled onto his name (put mouse over it) it would say "Dark Force Warrior Master" or something, even though no one was even close to being that. So anyhow, Meep and Bonga went to this huge ass imperial city named Imperio. They were both rebels. Bonga decided to run for mayor. And everyone was like, "lolercoasters you bitch hole... no one's going to vote for you! You're a reb! This is the bigest imperial city in the game!" So then Meep decides to use his trusty old account. He builds indestructible private houses around the entire perimeter of the city, so no one could get in or out. Everyone was trapped. And then Meep said to vote for Bonga, or else they would stay trapped forever. To make it short, Bonga won. Then they made Bonga mad somehow, and he literally held votes and stuff to destroy their city, had everything passed, and the entire Imperial city (biggest in the game for Kettemoor) was destroyed.To be nice, they left a statue that read something like, "In honor of the Greatest City Ever, Destroyed by Meep and Bonga. Good Times."Story 2:Meep decided to open up an armor and weaponry business. But for some reason no one was buying from him, even though he had a decent price. So he was like, "Wtf is no one buying from me Bonga!!?1" And so Bonga told him to make some droids and advertise. So, Meep did. With his developers account he made somewhere near 30,000 droids that went around the city advertising for his Meep Weapons and Armory.*Since then Meep has since had his account banned from Galaxies* :D
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Post by DaikatanaGenshu »

Umm....I did two corvette runs yesterday and got no loot. :cry:
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Post by Jordan »

Jumped onto radiant, and grinded doctor with Rion. Then Dai showed up and gave me lots of resources, and then they were chasing me around, in their hooded cloaks with this random guy just standing around. THen I got off to do some reading and homework.I got back on later, on Ahazi, and this girl I've been doing stuff with, we were just like sitting around, because they had just arrived in town from PvP'ing in Theed. Anyway, she asks me if I want to see her base on Dantooine, and we head off to Keren.She was overt, so we grouped, and set for covert at the Imp recruiter in Keren. Of course, the hour timer on it, but we bought tickets to Doaba Guerfel (Me thinking it would be empty). There were probably fifteen of them standing around, but only two overt rebels. One by the ticket reporter, and another fighting other imps outside the starport. Anyway, she was overt, so I /burstran and bought two tickets, (so as not to catch the attention of the overt rifleman outside). I trade with her, and this overt wookiee is like glaring us down. I went over to check the wait on the shuttle, and he was just watching me. 1 minute and 30 seconds. I run back over to her, and he's just looking at us (kind of creepy actually), and as the shuttle arrives, the other overt comes running in....Eep! I got all freaked out, and equipped my VK's, and told her to get on the shuttle...the guy didn't attack me, though, so we continued to her base. It was really cool, and it's out in the middle of nowhere. The base, that is. Then we did some missions, and other things. Good night.
And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
Darth Bob
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Post by Darth Bob »

today i did what i do every day, i didnt play.but i will try to fix my computer again today.....anyway here is a random pic.
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Post by Pain-Killer »

ok,so yesterday we were in this squill hunting group at some starport.many other people were the,too.i dunot know why but i suddenly had to cry for money,although i already had i shouted that i need money for travelling back cause ive got none :( .guess what happens?earned 6750 credits.good way to get money
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Post by Bane »

and you left us all to die you twat :lol: where did you go man? dont tell me you got sour because i cheated during the duel :P
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Post by Jordan »

today i did what i do every day, i didnt play.but i will try to fix my computer again today.....anyway here is a random pic.Ew...Bob. Sandals. Mon Cal. :eep: Well, I got on, and ran a few mission on Dantooine, then went shopping for pistols, and mounts with Taylin. Then we danced in the cantina, and played with emotes. Doing the Imperial theme park tomorrow.
And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
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Post by Pain-Killer »

my mother told me to turn my pc off and this was a good chance,cause i was a bit angry lol you had 30 mind u bastard and i could have killed u if u didndt take brandy... and i wasnt buffed..naw it was mostly because my mother told me to turn my computer off.but ill play now,maybe you can play too and we can rape some bitcces in that cave?
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