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music video help needed

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 5:34 pm
by Darth Bob
ok im sure a few of you know but theres a very demanding scene i need to shoot for my video i am working on. i need myself and 2 others to get novice entertainer on some other server with characters that do not look a thing like your characters on radiant. unfortunately my character on starsider is a mon cal so that isnt going to work very well.what makes this so tricky? the other 2 need to have JTL because the dance scene is going to be in naboo space on a luxury yacht.

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 3:40 am
by Darth Bob
bump.i have calculated how long this shot needs to be.........its 6.8 secondsbut it is very critical to the entire music video so i really would appreciate it if perhaps this weekend (im available all of friday afternoon and the wee hours of friday, not from 10 pm cst to approx 12 pm cst. also im available the other 2 weekend days) we can get this shot and i can finish my movie.

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 3:45 am
by DaikatanaGenshu
I probably won't be home Friday, but then again I might. I should be able to help on Saturday, but no promises. BTW bob, YOU MUST TUMBLE FOR ME I NEED ONE MORE TREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:02 pm
by Jordan
Bob, I'm all for helping you out, you know that, but the thing is...I don't have JTL yet. Teo's buying it for me, when he comes home for Thanksgiving, I just have to pay him for it, big problem. The only thing is he doesn't come for another week.Sorry Bobbeh. :?

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:17 am
by Aelebera
I could .... maybe .... possibly .... i dunno.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 5:19 am
by Darth Bob
Well ive completed the movie except for this one particular scene, and it wont look very good if i only have 1 dancer.this will be the biggest 6.8 seconds of your movie career!!!!!