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Need resources

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 2:17 pm
by Pain-Killer
ok the problem is, the resources are very rare and i couldnt find some at any bazaar yet.I am looking for:Liquid Petro Fuel class4 3kAvian Meet 2kDomesticated Oats 3kDantoine Berry Fruits 2kTalusian Water 2kall of them should have at least quality 700hope u can help me out.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:56 pm
by DaikatanaGenshu
Radiant or Lowca?

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 5:16 pm
by GuessWho17
Lowca. I'll try the best I can but the avian meat...that could cost up to a million credits :shock: You shouldnt grind such things.I got you all but the meat and the petro fuel. The Meat...I don't think I can manage getting that meat PK :(*edit - I got you 2k units of some Avian meat thats 309 OQ...but thats nearly the best I'm going to get for this sort of thing. I also got you the petro fuel.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 7:48 pm
by Pain-Killer
yep,thank you so much :)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:37 am
by Vauce
Lowca. I'll try the best I can but the avian meat...that could cost up to a million credits :shock: You shouldnt grind such things.I got you all but the meat and the petro fuel. The Meat...I don't think I can manage getting that meat PK :(*edit - I got you 2k units of some Avian meat thats 309 OQ...but thats nearly the best I'm going to get for this sort of thing. I also got you the petro fuel.2k avian meat takes no time at all to get.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:01 am
by GuessWho17
Lowca. I'll try the best I can but the avian meat...that could cost up to a million credits :shock: You shouldnt grind such things.I got you all but the meat and the petro fuel. The Meat...I don't think I can manage getting that meat PK :(*edit - I got you 2k units of some Avian meat thats 309 OQ...but thats nearly the best I'm going to get for this sort of thing. I also got you the petro fuel.2k avian meat takes no time at all to get.Not 700+ OQ stuff :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:49 am
by Vauce
Lowca. I'll try the best I can but the avian meat...that could cost up to a million credits :shock: You shouldnt grind such things.I got you all but the meat and the petro fuel. The Meat...I don't think I can manage getting that meat PK :(*edit - I got you 2k units of some Avian meat thats 309 OQ...but thats nearly the best I'm going to get for this sort of thing. I also got you the petro fuel.2k avian meat takes no time at all to get.Not 700+ OQ stuff :wink:This is the best 4 avian meats on Lowca currently: Adrif Corellian aviant meat is 937 OQAnoagh Talusian Avian Meat is 914 OQBaitah Yavinian Avian Meat is 915 OQCaocaum Talusian Avian Meat 918 OQThose are all well above 700. :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 9:37 am
by GuessWho17
Yea but its all small shit that drops it. Like Corellian butterflies and crap. Its hard to get a lot of it, otherwise doctor buffs wouldn't cost so much. If you know a way to get 4k easily with 900+ OQ, then my god please tell me...I could up the 20 Million I have to 30 million :!: I love as well :D

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 9:43 am
by Vauce
Yea but its all small shit that drops it. Like Corellian butterflies and crap. Its hard to get a lot of it, otherwise doctor buffs wouldn't cost so much. If you know a way to get 4k easily with 900+ OQ, then my god please tell me...I could up the 20 Million I have to 30 million :!: I love as well :DUm... Go master ranger with a harvesting droid? You get facking rich that way.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 11:06 am
by GuessWho17
Yea but its all small shit that drops it. Like Corellian butterflies and crap. Its hard to get a lot of it, otherwise doctor buffs wouldn't cost so much. If you know a way to get 4k easily with 900+ OQ, then my god please tell me...I could up the 20 Million I have to 30 million :!: I love as well :DUm... Go master ranger with a harvesting droid? You get facking rich that way.Damn right. Dath Avian meat on Lowca selling at 600 cpu right now. But I don't want to drop my MBH/Mcarb template just to get rich :P But hey, I can still harvest pretty well with explore 4 atleast.