SWG versus WoW

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SWG versus WoW

Post by GuessWho17 »

Well, you all know me...been a SWG whore forever now. I have 2 SWG accounts, and have been playing SWG since day numero uno. From my expierence with everything about SWG (from Jedi hunting to JTL) I must sadly say the game is slowly falling downhill, and if the combat rebalance doesn't fix the game up, its bound to lose many many customers. While its hard for me to admit this, me being a SWG freak and all, I must point out the obvious and accept the facts. Now, I've purchased WoW just the second day of release (and no I wasn't in beta) but...this game name ironically suits my reaction to it...wow! This game is very excellent when it comes to content, there are so many quests that you'll shit yourself. The gameplay is pretty neat too, and theres many of things you can do besides kill number of x at x. (like mineing, fishing, and other cool things) The graphics are pretty good (and this game being a whopping 3+ gig on installation) but the fun facter on this game is what makes it killer. So far PvP doesn't look TOO appetizing, but its pretty fucking fun as it is (no rewards atm for PvPing.) Today, me and Raun were hunting and this lvl 24 Horde (were lvl 18's) comes up and starts danceing at us and trying to KS all our kills, so me and Raun gank him and kill him. He comes back with an assassin friend, both lvl24, and we end up winning again aginst them (the assassin even got a backstab off on me! lol!!!!) God, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time in PvP. One of my favorite things is this game and death...you can always run back to your corpse for no penalty, so dieing really isn't that big of a deal. Its finally nice to log on and not look for a doctor right away. And when you die, you don't have to go looking for them doctors again. (SWG is eternally screwed due to doctor buffs, if they nerf them they will still always be "needed," and if they remove them there will be much quitting of the game.)Anyways, to sum it all up, in 2 months when one of my SWG subscription runs out (my Non-Jedi one) I will be canceling it for the time being and continue to pay for WoW and just my single Jedi account. I don't plan on permanantly quitting SWG, but I am considering about doing so if the combat rebalance doesn't do too well (4-5 months away?) If your considering about getting an MMORPG, and its either SWG or WoW, personally at this point I would choose WoW, since SWG is forever doomed. SOE just is not good with handling their customer satisfaction. Blizzard, on the other hand seems to be going into the direction of SOE, by having a daily restart and taking down servers 1-2 hours. And also, WoW isn't laggy anymore, it just was the first 2 day's. Although you can expect that when you have about 250,000 people cattered across 80 servers (atLEAST 10,000 people per server) all trying to log on and play their brand new game. The BIGGEST let down of this game is that if the server is full, you go into a queue. 200 people takes 15-20 minutes, and I've yet to have to wait in line for more than that, but I'm sure on a holiday there might be a 500 line wait sometime. But beyond that... WoW > SWG and I say this with a passion.
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Post by Juggalo »

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Post by DaikatanaGenshu »

How the fuck do you WRITE so much?!?!
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Post by Jordan »

Well, that's all well and good, GW! I'm glad to hear you are enjoying WoW!Maybe this should be posted in the 'Other Games' section?
And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
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Post by ErBSMoKAh »

Well, that's all well and good, GW! I'm glad to hear you are enjoying WoW!Maybe this should be posted in the 'Other Games' section?No, It pertains to SWG sucking, so its in the right section.
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Post by UberGoat »

There are actually tons of glitches in WoW that about half of the people do not notice in WoW. I was in the beta (so yea, there's glitches) but I bet you they're still there. I was thinking of getting SWG, but after reading all this bullsh*t, I don't think I will. (Just kidding GW, I love you like a father) <-- eww
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Post by Vauce »

How the fuck do you WRITE so much?!?!No shit man! Every time GW makes a post, it's like 2 goddamn paragraphs. :(
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Post by GuessWho17 »

How the fuck do you WRITE so much?!?!No shit man! Every time GW makes a post, it's like 2 goddamn paragraphs. :(LoL!?
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Post by CrazyTom »

yeah i mosied on down to my friends house to check out this game and i must say that its a great game. well to sum it all up its sorta like diablo 2 multiplied by 1000. currently it owns swg and its only competition is city of heroes. both coh and wow are great. i love what they did with dying in wow. the combat is fun and you can line up lots of attacks to dish out which swg has too but i havent seen it in any other mmo. ive heard players in coh say that you move godly slow in wow but i didnt really notice it. you can travel by bird and other animals such as wolves and horses. you can control the land animals, not hte birds or boats. Some have also said that all the characters look the same in wow. not really. theres lots of different armor so not everyone looks the same like composite armor ....as for lag not a big problem at all. i noticed it somewhat on my friends comp. right as he logged in npcs had delayed actions but it dissappeared after about a minute. also there was a slight delay once in one of his attacks for about 10 seconds o.O i didnt notice any problems in the interface. and as GW said theres lots of other things to do even though the game is centered around quests. compared to swg it is better. compared to coh it is about equal. both games are great. it really depends on the preference of the gamer. theres lots of funny emotes in warcraft too. the dances are so funny.and one more thing...gnomes look unbelievably gay and deserve to die
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Post by GuessWho17 »

and one more thing...gnomes look unbelievably gay and deserve to dieI second that. I second that x 5193859238. They look so gay, everytime I see one I want to throw my two-handed sword at it. I want to make a Horde just to go kill Gnomes.
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