Alrity im itchen to pvp agin i been thinking of new ways for us to get around quick and stuff and i was think of a new guild name:<POOP>people order our pecansany one else have a idea for a guild name
[color=red:608c93f1e3]ULTRON = RAGIN RODIAN[/color:608c93f1e3]
Okay, here's an idea I'd be willing to let you run...We're a cult. We are called Friends of the Environment, or more commonly as {FoE}We're a secret organization plotting to overthrow our opressors, {FoU}, one day, when we have gained enough support.You have my permission to spread us into SWG.
And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
Okay, here's an idea I'd be willing to let you run...We're a cult. We are called Friends of the Environment, or more commonly as {FoE}We're a secret organization plotting to overthrow our opressors, {FoU}, one day, when we have gained enough support.You have my permission to spread us into SWG.The secret monkey wishes to make his disapproval of this exceptionally preposterous idea public. 

Okay, here's an idea I'd be willing to let you run...We're a cult. We are called Friends of the Environment, or more commonly as {FoE}We're a secret organization plotting to overthrow our opressors, {FoU}, one day, when we have gained enough support.You have my permission to spread us into SWG.The secret monkey wishes to make his disapproval of this exceptionally preposterous idea public.
You just think that. The {FoE} is controlling all your moves. You are simply a pawn in a proverbial game of chess. I suggest you watch your next move carefully...a pawn is easily disposed of.Just remember...you may think that you are making your own choices, but it's already been organized by {FoE}. There is no way to escape it, but to play out your part.You yourself are an {FoE} member. 

And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!