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Codename: Fish Sticks

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 5:18 am
by Jordan
Well, Bob and Dai were getting angry about this, so I figured it was time I posted this. I know most of you could care less, but I'm not done yet. Obviously Bob and Dai want to hear more because it's about them. :roll: The title is still up in the air, so until I can think of a real name, it'll be called Codename: Fish Sticks. MOST negative feedback as welcome, as long as it's constructive. Please don't just say, "Your a geek, get a life", because it won't do anything to me. :shock: Also, any suggestions are very welcome. I'm just getting into this writing stuff, and figured I would start with you crazy folk!More people to be added, if I can remember you, or you play SWG or...something.Anyway, without further adieu:

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 5:18 am
by Jordan
The sunlight glistened over the dusty remains of the base. A rhythmic flapping of a Rebel Alliance flag was the only sound in the area, beside the skittering legs of a kreetle. It was noon, and if it were not for his sun guard, the blazing Tatooinian suns would be baring down on Jorjoh’s head."They destroyed it before anyone was even awake," a familiar voice stated from behind Jorjoh.Startled, Jorjoh swiftly spun around, pistol brandished. He drew a bead on a cowering human form."Snape..." Jorjoh sighed, relieved to see the frightened man. He lowered his DL-44 to its holster. "What are you doing out here?""I-I always take walks outside of town," he replied.Looking Snape over, and noting his especially sunburned face, Jorjoh remarked, "I suppose that explains the cloak. But what's the brandy for?"Both their eyes fixed to the gleaming glass bottle in Snape’s hand. Silence accompanied the question. The lack of conversation made Jorjoh uncomfortable. Changing the subject, he returned to his previous question. "What happened?" he asked again, perusing through some of the ruins of the Rebel base."Imper-," Snape begun, but at that moment, a hole in the ground began to appear. The pair stepped away, to avoid falling in. With a great bellow, and upheaval of sand, a purple head poked its way out of the hole."Bobcat," Snape exclaimed. "What're you doing here?"Bobkar Dirthes, the purple Mon Calamarian who had pulled himself from the hole, now began to shake the dirt off his filthy clothing. He then removed the purple chef's cap from his head, and thoroughly shook it out, before looking up into the dual suns of Tatooine."...Bob?" he tried again. This time, the fish cast a sidelong glance in Snape's direction."The middle of the desert, in a cloak, carrying a bottle of brandy?” the slightly perturbed looking Mon Calamarian said, more as a statement, then a real question."It didn’t seem so far when I left,” sheepishly responded Snape.Another long pause followed the exchange. An especially strong wind carried through the valley, as Bobkar glared the other two down. Jorjoh crouched down, once again resuming his inspection of the base. Asking the obvious, Snape asked, "How did...what are you doing here?" incredulously. Seemingly baiting Snape to make him angry, Bobkar held out his response a few moments longer then was necessary."I...I forgot my hat," Bobkar proclaimed. In an effort to justify himself, he stood as tall as he could, and gestured to his hat.Still hunched over a fried Rebellion flag, a scoff escaped Jorjoh's lips. Bobkar's eyes shifted over to Jorjoh's form, and without trying to hide the contempt in his voice, he snarled, "What?"Raising to full height, and dusting off his gloves, he simply shook his head, stifling his laughter as best as he could. Jorjoh looked to Snape, with a mocking smirk, then to Bob, who was still waiting for an answer. Once he had composed himself, he looked in his general direction, and mumbled, "...not a thing. Just inhaled some dirt..."The fiery fish looked between the two slightly unsettled. "I..." he restarted, but didn't finish the sentence.The wind had been building for the last few minutes, and sand was being buffeted around the three. Without another word, Snape gestured toward the outline of a building, and a flashing light.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 5:19 am
by Jordan
An alcohol bottle crashed somewhere within the confines of the cantina. A slight haze hung over the patrons and the dim lighting made the fog even worse. Joyous laughter and indistinguishable conversation filled the room. The band had just started a lively song, and the mood was light. Pushing his way between a pair of Rodian's, the intoxicated Zabrak attempted to catch the bartender's attention."Bartender," Genshu garbled. Ignored but undaunted, he shouted again, trying to be heard above an over-zealous kloo horn player, "Bartender!"The bartender's large back turned to him, Genshu decided to change his tack; he withdrew a small dagger from its sheath. Lifting it up slightly above the counter, he glared at the bartender before slamming the knife on the counter, making an especially loud noise. All eyes drew to him, save for the band, which continued their energetic song.Lurching to Genshu's position at the counter, the bartender cast a glance over the scarred hand, clutching a rusty knife. Eventually he leveled to the Zabrak's eyes, and gruffly said, "Yeh? What you want?"The two Rodian's beside Genshu had long since taken their conversation elsewhere, leaving the inebriated man swaying back and forth slightly. A shout of joy went up from a lucky sabaac player in the corner. Genshu’s head lolled backwards and forwards, unable to concentrate on the bartender. Eventually, Genshu was able to gurgle out “Another,” he paused, holding his pointer finger up. Inhaling deeply and burping noisily, he continued “Another breath of heaven, eh?”“You've had 'nuff for tonight, son," was the bartender surly response. Genshu narrowed his eyes slightly, before leaning over the counter, head tucked in his hands hidden from view."Jus' give me the blasted alcohol!" Genshu shouted. The bartender grew sick of the game, looked to the entrance, and motioned to a rather large Weequay. Genshu's light weight, intoxicated state, and childlike babbling did little to dissuade the bouncer from tossing him into the street like garbage.An emotionless whoosh blew a hint of liquor, puke, and other exotic smells into Genshu's face before the door closed. Genshu took a long breath, as he stared into the skies above him. Though the late hour, the streets were still bustling with activity and overhead was the never ending stream of Coruscant’s traffic flying by. Struggling to stay balanced on his feet; Genshu leaned back against the cantina wall, hoping to regain his equilibrium. All manner of species eagerly rushed by, pushing the defenseless Zabrak out of their way.Unexpectedly, a strong, gloved hand reached out and grabbed his arm, guiding him through the crowd. Aloof as he was, Genshu allowed himself to be pushed through the crowd. Genshu cringed at the shrill dealer’s, shouting their wares into his face. The stranger behind him steadied him, and continued to push him through the streets. A group of blaster-weilding Gran’s stood in front of another bar. They shook their head at his sight, and waved him past. Eventually, he was led off into an alley nearby a busy transit station. He was turned around to face what he thought would be a mugger; he was instead greeted by shadow. A dark cloak hid the face from view.Removing the hood, a young looking Zabrak female glanced up into his face, holding his shoulder in an effort to steady him. Sharp features, dark, purple tattoo’s, and a set of horns similar to Genshu's, she was attractive by Zabrak standards. Distantly, Genshu wondered where he was. Slapping him in the face, trying to focus his attention, she muttered, "...some assassin." Genshu's eyes still wandering about the street; she whispered again, "This is what we're hiring?""Genshu Himiko, right?" she put a finger in front of his face, trying to draw his attention, and test his consciousness. "We've been looking for you..."

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:41 am
by Crash
if you had some erotic sex scenes, that would so totally rock....

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 4:07 pm
by Jordan
if you had some erotic sex scenes, that would so totally rock.... :shock: Um...probably not. :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:17 pm
by Crash

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:38 pm
by Darth Bob
get this kid out of here...... - hotayes i hate them and i hope they burn in hell. - sam jackson

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:55 pm
by HobarNintendo

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:45 am
by DaikatanaGenshu

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 3:49 am
by hota
Actually despite my mean personality, that was quite good.