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Star Wars Galaxies Content Thread
Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 1:32 pm
by Musashi
Jordan (Lead), Bob.StarWars Galaxies: OK, here I was thinking about creating a walkthrough of affective leveling, how to create a successful character, where and how to gain experience. Like what missions or events would help, what are good planets and locations to party up or find good places to hunt and level up.Guild history/ records and current status; this would contain a written history of FoU in SWG as a guild and then continue to log the guilds status. It'll include important meets, faction wars and battles, how the guild is affecting other players outside the clan and how it is performing overall as a guild.I'd also like to have a map created of the area where the guild hall is and all of the guild members houses and owned buildings. With this, text guides of where other players can usually find FoU SWG Guild Players and from what starting locations. So how would they get to the guild hall or a players regular location from a certain city or spaceport? Things like that.Next, a list of player profiles in the guild, which will be updated monthly along with the guild history and log. This allows not only us but others on the site to get better insight into the progression of our guys in the game. This could also include updated screenshots of each person if their characteristics and clothing change, so people can keep up.Post any questions and suggestions here, talk amongst yourselves and I'll comment on what's said soon.
Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:17 pm
by Jordan
I'd like to post some of my ideas before I run off to school.The first, being on what Andy has said so far. I think first, before we begin writing guides, it would be nice to start with our guild. The waypoints, information on how to get there. Because it's such a small task, we can really go deep into it. Who is in the guild currently, people who can recruit (so you don't drive out there, and are unable to join), the houses that are out there, hell, even the cost of buying a ticket to Coronet, from wherever.Then of course, the waypoints, and I saw a really cool tool for politicians. You can set up buildings anyway you like. If I can find that, I will post a link to the site, and we can update the layout of it from time to time.Also, some screenshots of the actual guild would be nice. (Just as a thought, someone talk to Vauce about changing the name of the PA hall.) Right now the pa hall is Fate of the Unwanted, all in one line, and in horrible colors. I think it looks icky. This is completely unrelated, I know, but let's talk to Vauce about changing it to look a bit better. Maybe lined, ( I can tell him h wo to do it if he doesn't already know), and maybe different colors that reflect FoU better, (red and black look odd on housing, alone). Maybe add some white to it, but hell, that's not important.Next, I'd REALLY like to get a picture of each of us, doing what we do. Like Andy's character profile he mentioned, we need to have a set attribute for our character, take a picture of yourself in your [small] /examine window, and adjust to # x # size, and they are all the same. Then, we'll need to get everyones professions, and list them related to their species, their housing locations, etc. So, for exampleName: Genshu HimikoHome: Corellia, (insert waypoint)Professions: Teras Kasi Master, Master Fencer, Master MedicSpecies: ZabrakRP Biography: As a two credit whore, I rose to a seat of power in Coronet. Eventually I owned the the best two credit whore anyone knows.Biography: I met FoU in JKA, yada yada yada. I played lame FFXI, before coming to SWG. I've been playing since last year, and I <3 FoU, etc, etc.Other:Other:Other:The other is just other options we can all think of later.Then there is content that I think the brilliant combined minds of us can put togther. I have seen 'comics' of swg in other places. They take a screenshot of their character, and make strip comics, just like real ones, from in-game. Seeing that we are a pretty insane group, we could come up with some fun stuff.Something else I would like to see is, some fanfiction. Maybe a Jedi hunt you went on, who you saw there, who was with you, how it turned out, and so on and so forth. We can have silly fanfiction, and more serious stories of our characters, (the latter being my better, I suck at comedic writing!)Last I want to bring up for now is guides...We are all varied in the professions we have, and you guys have probably had a TON of experience with many other professions. We should all write up some useful things on how to get started, and even waypoints of good shops, what you should be looking for in the way of pricing on equipment.EDIT: onto Gramps idea, we need to get some articles written on current happenings. Dev updates, problems, changes, PvP battles, helping someone finish off a JTL mission, or even reporting what you did today [website 'story of the day' thread]. We can get more into this, but I think if we get people who really would like to contribute to content [gramps] we can give them a way to include themselves in it.I'm really not trying to become a power hungry loser, but I really do believe if we get too many people on it, we lose our power, and it becomes extremely hard to handle things, get anything done, and other things. So, any other ideas that anyone has, let's get them coming forth.Have fun reading all that, and keep smiling, cos this is just the tip of the iceberg, boys!LET'S DO THIS!
Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:30 pm
by Musashi
I want to leave fanfictions out of this section for now, keep any stories that have to do with the guild and events of importance in with the logs.I would like to talk to you Jordy, about this fanfiction stuff later; I know we had some ideas bouncing around, but I want to get this general gaming stuff down before we tackle the creative side.
Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:34 pm
by Jordan
I want to leave fanfictions out of this section for now, keep any stories that have to do with the guild and events of importance in with the logs.I would like to talk to you Jordy, about this fanfiction stuff later; I know we had some ideas bouncing around, but I want to get this general gaming stuff down before we tackle the creative side.The real guild and guides section won't really take long. Just keeping it updated is what will keep it alive.The 'creative' side is what I think we need more, as most FoU SWG players know how to get to our guild, and for the most part, know how to get around in SWG fairly well. We can work on that first, though.And we can talk later tonight...I have to go to school soon. Maybe same time as usual, but I might not be able to get on until later tonight.So maybe 8 - 8.30 pm Mountain Time
Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 4:13 pm
by Musashi
I'll see you when i see you then.I was thinking of creating a whole seperate section for fanfiction and storytelling, that's why I wanted to leave it be for a bit. Once we get the static content down and ready, then uploaded; we can concentrate on everything else.
Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:16 pm
by gramps
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:38 am
by Darth Bob
yeah i can definelty write stories or articles and stuff.gasp! my weekly coloumn!

but uh, can i write a review of Publish 12? i have some good choice words to describe it. :Duseless is one word that can describe it.oh shit i just wrote an update!
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 4:11 am
by gramps
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 4:46 am
by jacen
I can write articles about radiant pvp, seeing as im usually at every battle and all. I can also do a how to guide for pvp if noone else has already called it.
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:11 am
by GuessWho17