What a lollapolloza this was!Hats off to Shadow for organizing such a fun event, and for everyone that came... way to be!Here are some of the many screenies that I took. Some cantina action with stormies and the gang!snape doing a sexy dance and "buffing" us.and a personal favorite of all of us in front of one of the couple of krayts we pwned.more to come soon!
Sorry I couldn't make it, I had a palyoff hockey game to win, which I did of course..... Mostly from the bench but meh..Anyway the question is: OMG WHAT DID YOU LOOT?
Sorry I couldn't make it, I had a palyoff hockey game to win, which I did of course..... Mostly from the bench but meh..Anyway the question is: OMG WHAT DID YOU LOOT?Absolutely nothing....well, we got crap
Yeah we pwned a handfull of juvies and two Caynyon Krayt's. Looted some tissues and scales, none of which anyone wanted. Next SWG variety night will prob be NightSiter hunting.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis ad capul tuum saxum immane mittam.
i fell asleep then i woke up at like 3:30 am and its like an hour later. Damnit, ill make it next timebe there! and now this is going to be a weekly thing i hope!