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probs on WoFoU server

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 10:46 am
by big
I don't know where I should post it else.I've played for 1 hour on Desu's server and I noticed many bugs:Just a few:1. Monsters run away from me.2. In Goldshire are lvl 20mobs 3. I can learn holy strike as a paladin 0.o4. I make no dmg on mobs ( highest was 7) and I am lvl 10I don't critisize your server, I just want to ask if you have the same problems like me.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 3:22 pm
by TacoBell
Thats the least of the problems.... :roll:

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 4:51 pm
by Kamm
And as Desu already said, he just awaits the patches from the WDDG guys.But you're able to play for free so deal with it. :)

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 5:01 pm
by DesuMacchi
And as Desu already said, he just awaits the patches from the WDDG guys.But you're able to play for free so deal with it. :)Word!Bitch - Moan and complain all you wish. I can't do anything about it until the Emulator group releases fixes. Taco you should probably just stick to the retail server, honestly Im tired of seeing your whiny ass posts with your rolling eyes emote. Before you bitch and whine about a private server, try to host one and you try to fix all the things wrong with it. There is the Emulators forums, have at it. Ask away! Like I said and I won't say anymore. Problem free go to the retail servers and play. Play free and just mess around, private servers.Better yet, download the server and follow the step by step tutorial on setting up a WoW server and run your own. So before you post any bug complaints, go and check and see if the emulator team already knows about it.End of story.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 5:13 pm
by GoldToofHustla
I found a bug...I kill something higher than me and get like 4 lvls fuck man cant believe something like that could happen ahahahaha fucking love your server ahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!retail=grinddes server=2 lvl 60 characters in 4 days(total ownage)I am going to kill you kam you better watch your back!!!!!!!!! ahahaha gonna sneak up on ya and let ya have it!

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 5:21 pm
by Darth Bob
Taco could give me his game files somehow.... Cuz I still want to play and no one I know has retail WoW disks and no way am I going to buy it, if I buy it I might as well play legit.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 6:12 pm
by ZeligmanZ
:bow: I LOVE DESU!(and toofy too)

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 7:04 pm
by Kamm
:bow: I LOVE DESU!(and toofy too)You fiend!

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 7:34 pm
by TacoBell
And as Desu already said, he just awaits the patches from the WDDG guys.But you're able to play for free so deal with it. :)Word!Bitch - Moan and complain all you wish. I can't do anything about it until the Emulator group releases fixes. Taco you should probably just stick to the retail server, honestly Im tired of seeing your whiny ass posts with your rolling eyes emote. Before you bitch and whine about a private server, try to host one and you try to fix all the things wrong with it. There is the Emulators forums, have at it. Ask away! Like I said and I won't say anymore. Problem free go to the retail servers and play. Play free and just mess around, private servers.Better yet, download the server and follow the step by step tutorial on setting up a WoW server and run your own. So before you post any bug complaints, go and check and see if the emulator team already knows about it.End of story.Dude I was just stating the fact that there are worse problems on the server than those. Calm down.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:06 pm
by big
And as Desu already said, he just awaits the patches from the WDDG guys.But you're able to play for free so deal with it. :)Word!Bitch - Moan and complain all you wish. I can't do anything about it until the Emulator group releases fixes. Taco you should probably just stick to the retail server, honestly Im tired of seeing your whiny ass posts with your rolling eyes emote. Before you bitch and whine about a private server, try to host one and you try to fix all the things wrong with it. There is the Emulators forums, have at it. Ask away! Like I said and I won't say anymore. Problem free go to the retail servers and play. Play free and just mess around, private servers.Better yet, download the server and follow the step by step tutorial on setting up a WoW server and run your own. So before you post any bug complaints, go and check and see if the emulator team already knows about it.End of story.hey I don't want to disrespect you and what you 're doing.I just wanted to ask if somebody else has the same problems like me, because some months ago before I got the original version of wow I had a cracked version which got many bugs, too.