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gRamps' Word.
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:02 am
by gramps
I agree with Bob on several of the things that he wrote an essay upon, and while I choose not to comment about the Guesswho issue (mainly because I did not start playing in the very beginning with Radiant and everything, so I can honestly formulate no opinion)... I would like to make one comment.I agree about the rift. Like I've said, I just want to play with you guys. That's it. That's why I'm currently trying to juggle my time between two servers. Which is not proving to be anything wonderful. The hate caused by this game is unnerving, unnerving enough to quit, but I just want to play with all of you.That's it.Can nothing be worked out? Nothing? Anything?While Jordan says it is possible, for me splitting time between 2 servers is a nightmare. I have limited time to play each day (I have a job, a social life, chores, and stuff to do) so I cannot spend all 24 of my precious hours playing. Unfortunately. But, I can get at least a good 2 hours a day. At least. I could go one day on Radiant, one on Lowca, then whatever. But how far will that get me? Novice Elite profession by the end of the summer?Can something be worked out? Honestly.And please do not lock this thread until something is said.And. h8 not tolerated in this thread.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:09 am
by Jordan
Yes, that's the thing, though.I mean this completely goodhearted, but what is wrong with splitting the time? You don't have to get both of them to the absolute maximum levels, with all quests completed, one million credits, and spend eighteen hours on each of them a day. I'd get on and spend maybe an hour fooling around on Radiant. Then switch over to Ahazi for a half hour of chatting if I felt like it.
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:14 am
by gramps
Well that is what I think my plan is going to be for now, until something else can come up with.The thing is.. this game is all about time. While I do not care if I am level 80, super nuked out, hugeass guns, money out the wazoo, and whatnot, I do want to get somewhere. It has always been my dream (check my first couple of posts in this board) to become a Master Chef. That takes a lot of time. Hours of crafting. So there I run into my problem... the time. I don't have that much to spend as I would like to...

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 6:40 am
by ErBSMoKAh
Locked.No j/k... I only locked the other thread not because of what bob said but mostly because of what Hota was saying.. Infact.. The last thread would have been fine if it wasn't started by a frustrated Gee dubs and if hota would have just kept his little comment to himself... I just knew that after all the crap that went down, Hota's little comment and Gee dubs frustration may have turned it into another h8 thread.. I can't stand when everybody argues, we are supposed to be tight like peas in a pod, not arguing over stupid shit all the damn time.. Gramps, you can do eet! But, you're going to have to make a choice man.. This game is too frustrating to spread over two servers unless you have umpteen hours of free time to spend grinding your prof, which not everybody does.. Thems the breaks i guess

This MMO shit tears people apart, While bob put in a decent and mostly positive opinion, there was still too much h8 goin down in that thread for it to continue.. And what happened? It spawned another h8 thread.. It seems this game and its silly servers are creating a rift in our community which I will not tolerate! I would rather you all hate me and kick me out of the clan than have like 10 people all fighting over the gayest thing evar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just trying to do whats best for the gang, you guys have to stop fighting over it and just play mang.. do what you want and dont let anybody get in your way.And thats about all I have to say about that!

So, Bob.. Don't start another h8 thread because I locked the silly topic which you posted a novel in... remember I'm trying to keep you guys from letting this absolutely ridiculous argument from getting out of hand.. I'm not trying to be an ass, I just like bum what can i say? lol.. No seriously, If we moved your novel into this thread all would be well.. I'm not even sure why you started that h8 thread, I didnt delete your post, I simply closed the thread so that certain people couldn't post thier thoughtless comments that get everybody all riled up and turn the whole clan upside down and such.This time around im just going to delete any h8 and replace it with teh <3
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:15 am
by Darth Bob
In other news: I do strive to be UBER LEET SWG PLAY0R and so does GW so we are forever bound to our characters.In other news: Xfire is great for tracking playtime, why the hell did this not exist when jk2 first came out?
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:23 am
by GuessWho17
I read all of Bob's post but I won't be replying to any of the questions / comments in it, as I do not want to start hate. My simple offer is to tell everyone that they can play on Radiant, and I don't mind. I wen't for maybe 9 months to a year on Lowca all alone before the CU, and I can easily manage it still. Well...I guess I will answer one of bob's questions... I like Lowca more because of the people as a whole on the server there... on radiant I never really felt welcomed. It's too hard to flat out explain it... just everywhere I wen't, when I go into a cantina with my musician title I'd get people spamming me asking me for buffs... or something else stupid like that. But after all those little things added up, I felt more and more like Lowca was my place. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed radiant with the few fousters playing... but thats all it was. A few fousters was all I saw in Radiant.On Lowca, way way back when I first made my BH (actually was shooting for artisian fire work selling...) I started enjoying the community there a lot. I met some really cool people, and I still do every day. (Regardless of me being a Jedi or not) I enjoyed Lowca before I met Snap Katana... but then I did meet him. This guy was trying to unlock Jedi and I already knew how the system worked. I started helping him master professions here and there, and he started mastering them as well untill one day he unlocks.(I actually helped him name his Jedi to Si' Katana, as it correlated with his character Snap Katana, but used elements of my name as GuessWho' Triblade. Just incase anyone wondered what the history on that whole name was all about...) This was back when 3 deaths meant character deletion on Jedi. Anyways, he would mainly play his Jedi, but then he started letting me play it...and we sort of took turns on and on untill he decided to quit. He was about to Ebay Si' Katana (the account) and I couldn't stand that. I told him I would pay him whatever he was going to sell it on ebay ($750, at the time they were selling around 1,000-1,500$, but he gave me a buddy discount) and that was that. He quit, I got Si, and from there on I ground out Si'. About 3/4ths way through my Jedi grind Hobar came to Lowca, and he was basically the only FoUster to actually play officially on Lowca. He quit after a few months because he couldn't afford to keep paying monthly and I understood..and from there on I was alone.Then the Combat Upgrade was almost out. I ground out the last of my template before it hit the live servers and I can finally enjoy my Jedi to the fullest, however I wan't.So hopefully that clears some up about anyone who was mistold/misunderstood about my Jedi being bought.And sorry for the long text.
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:39 pm
by Jordan
Well...I guess I will answer one of bob's questions... I like Lowca more because of the people as a whole on the server there... on radiant I never really felt welcomed. It's too hard to flat out explain it... just everywhere I wen't, when I go into a cantina with my musician title I'd get people spamming me asking me for buffs... or something else stupid like that.I know I don't play, but I have to stick up for Bob when I see something that I can offer an opinion on. Bob and I talk about SWG when there's nothing much else to talk about.I went and played Lowca for about a week when Hobar was on, and the above quote is the exact reason I didn't stay. I know Bob and the radiant fellows have other reasons to want to stay on, (namely spending two years getting to where they are), and it is where FoU started.I thought Radiant was a great community, anyway. A little excessive about PvP, but the people mostly got along.Again, on Erb's statement, it's really not so bad splitting the time. The thing is that the fun of the game is to progress and to gain things, would anyone agree? In my entire time playing the game I only mastered maybe six or seven professions, (I mastered medic twice, but it doesn't count

). I think it's very easy to do that, because you don't have to make SWG your life. Every other night get on one or the other, see who is on and play. If you double your goals in the game, you'll be playing twice as long doing something that interests you. :|There's nothing wrong with Lowca, and GW is offering to help people out, but I think the Radiantites just feel like that's incredibly rude. FoU started there and I suppose it just feels weird to have everyone leaving somewhere else. To me, it seems that everyone has good intentions. GW to help people have fun and get started, and Bob, to have his friends around.
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:31 pm
by ErBSMoKAh
I found there was a ton of bitchy snobby assholes on radiant, and most people other than the ones i knew we're SOB's

not all of them but a bunch..Dunno about lowca, never tried that server.. I started a guy on flurry to say hi to some friends and the server population was like 1/16th of radiant.. I liked the busy busy hustle and bustle of radiant reminded me of an actualy city :PAnyways, IF i was to play again.. it would most likely be on radiant since my guy is there and it took me forever to get him where he is..Oh and there is nothing wrong with GW offering to help people out with his uberness

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:59 pm
by DaikatanaGenshu
OMG I HATE READING PARAGRAPH-LONG POSTSGramps, the simple fact is you should play wherever you feel comfortable playing and wherever you have the most fun. The only reason I really don't have the will to get another character started on not just Lowca, but ANY other server for that matter, is that I'm a pretty lazy person, and all I really wanna do is build up on my already built-up Radiant toon.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:57 pm
by chuck
k i didnt get any of that but hey gramps u play jk2?