check out this TRAILER, that doesnt look like Leon to meANDthem zombies look mighty fast, looks like they're finally going the way a lot of the zombie flicks have been going and making them fuckers all hopped up on speedshould make things interesting
I still haven't played RE4, I've watched a friend on it though and it looked seriously cool. I see it's coming out on the PS3 first this time, I'll likely get one of those when they come out... but I refuse to buy any console from Nintendo released after the SNES.
thank you snape for replying on topic, for a second there i thought i made a mario party 7 thread... loland RE4 is coming out for PS2 real soon there handsome, dont miss out on it
WILL THE MARIO PARTIES EVER END!!!!!!???more like will the Pokemon ever end! :DBetter not. You can never have too many pokemon to collect. What are we at 150? right?