Well Me and jace were the only ones that showed up for our match against [Judge] yesterday, so we were forced to forfiet. We also have only 3 people registered on our roster: me, jace, and hank. It has something to do with a PunkBuster Guid ID that you have to have. Anyone know anything about this?
I've played with them a lot, and we probably could have won, but we have several people who have been out of the loop lately with finals/graduation stuff. It also didn't help that the area where Ender, Milk, Calvus and I live was in the middle of some pretty intense thunderstorms/tornadoes (I had no internet at the time of the match
).As for the roster on the site, I have zero idea why it happened, because I never set up the ID thing you're talking about (maybe because I'm team founder?), and yet I was never removed from the roster. Whatever the reason, just try to rejoin. I'm sure if Max was able to figure it out, then the rest of you can. 

- FoUster
- Posts: 2531
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
Rejoin the team, whore.
Right now we only have three mebers, we can't challenge or do anything until we get six. To rejoin just go to the edit profile page, and click add new PB ID or something like that. Then select COD PB GUID from the dropdown list and type in the name you'll be competing under in the space below. The of course you have to find FSB again and hit join. The password is still fousta.